Diagon Alley

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"What a shame I didn't get to meet her," Hermione spoke, eyeing her husband.

"I mean, we tried to find you, but you were nowhere in sight." His heart raced, and he hoped Hermione couldn't tell how nervous he really was.

"Whatever." She shrugged.

"So," He began, but she looked up in annoyance. "I was thinking, maybe we could go visit the Weas-- the joke shop."

"Really? You want to go see George Weasley?"

"Want is a strong word. I want to see you happy, with your old friends. Before I came along and ruined everything." For a moment she stayed silent.

"I would love to go, Draco. Maybe we could go over the weekend, right now all I need is a good old nap. It's been a long day." She hung her head, recalling the news from the healer.

"Wait," He grabbed her wrist gently.

"Hm?" She turned around, but when her eyes met his, she felt the thrum of her heart race.

Without a word, Draco pulled her closer. She willingly leaned into him, only a few inches in between them. Hermione looked up, and icy grey met warm brown.

"Are we just going to stand here?" She whispered. As she finished, Draco closed the space between them. It was just how she remembered it when they were stuck in the room, forced to kiss by the ministries laws.

"I missed this, I missed you." She spoke quietly, lacing her fingers with his.

"Hate to say it but I missed you too, Granger."

"Granger? I'm a Malfoy now, Draco."

He chuckled. "First, you must master the saucy smirk."

Hermione giggled at this. Draco was always full of something random to say, sometimes more colorful than others.


It would have been a lie if Hermione said she wasn't excited to go to the joke shop. Today was a peaceful Saturday, perfect to go visit George. The air was crisp, and for once a blue sky greeted the world.

"What a good day to go Diagon Alley." Hermione cheerfully wrapped a scarf around her neck.

"Whoopee." Came a sarcastic Draco.

"Hey, you're the one who suggested this. And I mean, if you really don't want to go, you could browse elsewhere. I mean, I'll be fine on my own."

Draco gave Hermione a cross look. The last time he left her alone, Krum came along and ruined everything.

"I don't know if that's a good idea..." he trailed off.

"I can take care of myself, Draco. I'm the brightest witch of my age." Hermione said, smiling.

Draco considered bringing up Victor but decided against it. He didn't want to upset Hermione in any way.

"I suppose." He grumbled, clenching his fists in order to keep the wolf in check.

Hermione placed a hand on his shoulder. "Everything alright?"


She gave him a cross look. She was fully aware that Draco wasn't fine, she could see the slight hint of lupine gold flashing across his features. She ignored it and continued her journey to the fireplace, grabbing a handful of powder.

She tossed it into the flames inside the mantle. "Diagon Alley."


Hermione walked out dizzily from a fireplace in a small shop. She had never cared for the Floo Network. Draco stumbled out, but quickly caught himself.

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