Chapter One

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Nine boys watched as the gray house across the street was remolded and made bigger. The house had stood empty for a while. The house was no longer gray but a very nice shade of red and white, no longer stood the family house that belonged to an older couple that passed away and their only son sold the house, because he didn't want the house. The house was now made of bricks. Everything was done in a few months, normally it would take years to remodel a house but not this one.

The nine boys wondered if the new family was eager to move in or if they had no place else to stay. For it was a record to remodel a house in just a few months and they even made the house bigger, as if it would be a large family that would move in.

This nine boys was Dakota Lee, the other eight boys was currently in his house, more specific in his room above the garage, where he lived with his mother and younger sister. He had green eyes framed by black glasses like Mr. Blackbourne and brown hair. He had a nervous tick, he would begin to count or do complicated mathematics under his breathe.

Then there was Nathan Griffin, a red headed boy with blue eyes, he was really muscled. He loved sports, especially swimming, as he owned a swimming pool in his yard. He lived with his father, but his father was rarely home.

Lucian Taylor was sitting next to Gabe as he was his best friend. Luke had long blond hair that hanged to his shoulder, with beautiful brown eyes. He liked to eat chocolate chip pancakes and any sweets he could get. He was very friendly and daydreamed all of the time.

Then there was Gabriel Coleman, he had brown hair with two blond strips in front, he had piercing blue eyes and three black studs in his ears. He had dressed his eight brothers since he had known them and even cut and styled their hair. He lives with his stepmother in a caravan park, it was in the bad part of town so they had to be careful. He loved to paint and draw.

Next to Gabriel was North Taylor, he and Luke was half brothers. He had dark brown eyes, they were almost black and dark brown hair, he was tall and a health nut. He would make sure everyone ate healthy. If he gets angry or if he cares about or for you he would shout. He and Luke lived with Uncle - this was not his name but only a few knew him by any other name, they just called him uncle.

A giant boy sat next to North that is Silas Korba, North's best friend. He is a friendly giant that had lived in Greece and moved to be by his only friend North. He has black hair and golden brown eyes. He lives with his father and younger brother in Sergeant Jasper where the Toma team also lived.

Victor Morgan, with his wavy hair and liquid fire eyes sat with Mr Bkackbourne and DR. Green. He was busy looking for the new owner or owners of the house. He had been friends with Kota and Nate since kindergarten and had stayed friends all this years. He was very rich as he had a trustfund, but he was also forced to do Piano concerts by his parents. He lived in a large mansion with his parents.

Sean Green, was a man that liked to flirt, his grass green eyes sparkled and his sandy blond hair curled around his ears. He was also the only one that ever called Mr Blackbourne by his name. He had worked hard and became a doctor at the tender age of 16. He and Mr. Blackbourne has a large house they live in, as soon as the boys turn 18 they would move in.

Lastly was Mr Blacbourne in his neatly pressed and pristine suites. He had straight short brown hair and silver sterling eyes that had black frames that covered them. He played the violen and liked classic music just like Victor. He loved all his brothers even if they never see the love in his eyes, he hides it behind cold silver eyes - his mask perfect in any way and form.

All nine of these boys was a family, though not by blood but by choice. They are kniwn as the Blackbourne team. They always completed the mission and had never failed before.

Every boy in the room turned to Victor as he gave a gasp in surprise as he had finally found out the information about the new owners of the house across the street.

"Mr Morgan, what is the matter??" Mr Blackbourne asked Victor who was starring at the screen with a wide open mouth and a surprised look in his fire eyes.You could find no fault in his English, as he didn't like slang and had to be perfect in ever way.

" Mr Blackbourne, the Toma team bought that house across the street from Kota's!!" Victor told Mr Blackbourne in a shaky voice, almost a whisper.

Eight surprised boys turned to their brother with shocked eyes and cursing went all around Kota's room. And what came as a surprise was that Mr. Blackbourne had not scolded them, he stood frozen in the middle of Kota's room.


Words : 902

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