"So What now?" Hiro asked.

Violet took him to a bookstore, "I think I want to read for a while." She looked at him.

He nods. "Alright."

Violet went to the teen fiction section to look for something appealing.

Hiro wandered around looking at books,
He found some on robotics and he picked them up, he started to walk to the tables, Violet also went in the same direction after finding some books.

They walked right into each other, Hiro fell over, "Hiro! I'm sorry! Are you alright!" She had then realized she sounded like a broken record.

"I'm fine." He said, starting to get nervous.

"Okay- Sorry-" Violet helped him up.

Violet and Hiro sat at a table and started reading their books.

After a while Hiro glanced at Violets book, "Whatcha reading?"

"A book about a time traveller from the future getting stranded in the past and tries to fit in with everyone." She looked at him.

"Oh. Fascinating." He nods, looking at his book.

After a while they had left the book store after putting the books away, wandered for a bit and  bought smoothies.

They were now sitting at a table chatting, and drinking their smoothies, Once Violet finished up she asked Hiro a question.

"Look Hiro I know I've asked this a lot, but are you okay? You seem so off today. Something isn't okay and your not telling me. I'm your friend Hiro you can tell me anything that's bothering you."

"Everything is fine for the last time Violet." He smiled.

Violet looked at him, "Are you kidding me?" She stood up, her chair pulling out a bit. "Why are you lying to me?"

"I'm not." He stood up.

"Hiro I thought you trusted me." Violet looked at him.

"I do; but I'm being serious. Everything is f-"

"Don't say that sentence anymore." She marched up to him.

Hiro felt overwhelmed by the fact that Violet was getting mad at him.

"Do you think this is some kind of sick joke! My boyfriend, and my friend are most likely missing, how the heck are you okay with this!" She shouted at him.

"Do you think this is some kind of sick joke! My boyfriend, and my friend are most likely missing, how the heck are you okay with this!" She shouted at him

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Violet shoved him causing him to fall , mostly by accident.

Violet ran out of the mall, and went to baymax, "can you take me to Penny's house?"

Baymax nodded, though he was quite confused as to why Hiro wasn't there.

Violet got into Baymax's arm. And let him take off.

Violet wiped tears from her eyes, what had become of her friend.

Hiro ran out of the mall minutes later realizing Violet and Baymax had left.

Hiro sat on a bench outside and cried.

"What have I done. I've ruined everything."

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