Chapter 2-starting the path

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Yumi POV

huaaa!! the air are so fresh!!! I sure really like those breeze...oh yeah takeru what is you dream..takeru walk..until Yumi ask and stop..well I..*my married you and have a kid..*....Oi!! Oi!! huh?! hey don't daydreaming!!! so ..what is you dream?!!

TakerU POV

well...I only want to step into adventure and travel..I want to see many kind of Pokemon..all over world like kanto..hoen..oh I want to go unova!! I want to see hometown of zoruo/ryutoo Zoru zoru!!!  awwww how cute zoruo~

"well mine is to be cham-"...champion..yeah I know you've told me million times...."eh..ehehehe" But!! Yumi shock..I will also train my Pokemon until it strong to beat you!!! hahahaha!!!

normal POV

I will wait said Yumi :) travel together..takeru ask well until next town..we will go own our adventure!!! Okie!!!!! well starting this path we will catch our dreams!!!


um.....I will go there..don't worry chuchu there are not bad guy.."PIKA PI!!"..I will go there.......h-hello...could u guy help me..

Yumi POV

something poke my back..and I turned..there is a girl..his hair is same as takeru..(yeah you guy know right)

sure I will help you...but first my name is Yumi and this boy name takeru!! I smile and takeru too..well my name is yellow..thanks for helping me...she smile cute..his shirt yellow and hair just like pikachu version of human......waaaahhh!!! *I don't go into Yuri(lesbian) world!! I slap my takeru and yellow stare at me....takeru just ignore what could we help you he smile.. "u-um could you carry a huge rock..well I mean using Pokemon...well...I have golem..but my pokeball at my house..but it too far away...Yumi hurry say well we are beginner so our Pokemon is small as you can see pikachu and I have torchi..and takeru..Yumi cut out as takeru said sure why not? what you want to carry the rock?!! ha!!! what are you saying I have my Pokemon!! of course you are but yumi been cut out again...I have my master of illusion right!!! at first..Yumi make puzzled look but know it already!!! yup!! there..yellow confused already...

Takeru POV

So yellow-chan where could the rock be.." oh!! follow me"...FIVE MINUTE LATER.. it really huge..suddenly Yumi ask yellow-san why could you want us to move the rock..a-ah well "there are someone is pokeball there.." yumi and i shock WHAT!!! hey hurry up takeru!!! as yellow say it okay as the rock did not move..the Pokemon inside will be fine..

Yumi and I sigh I say to zoruo to shout "be Salamance!!! as zoruo transform into a huge drogon Pokemon..I said..nice one..but why salamance??? "I dunno just thinks so"  yellow is so shock!! but smile happily..zoruo use that transform to carry that huge rock!!! when zoruo hurry carry the huge rock yellow quickly take the pokeball..then ryuuto release the rock as it transform back to original..good job ryuuto I smiled *ZORU ZORUO*

yellow POV

takeru-kun sure have rare Pokemon and awesome!!! I thanks properly at them thanks for helping me *smile* Yumi said "no,no don't say to me I don't doing anything ..takeru help a lot.." "Nah! it fine" he smile..I wonder this two are dating..u-u-uh I ruin you guy is them shock Yumi "haha not we not dating just friend as we already said we are beginner.."oh uh waaaah!! i so sorry for the mistake..I forgot.."it's okay"

but you guy really like a couple..both cute and handsome..and it just like you guy must be cute if you guy holding hand ..and..and... " Ah!! yellow-san stop!!!..takeru are on fire" kyaaaaaaaaa!!!!! omatya use water gun on her face!! fussssshhhh!!!! hey man"felling better..=_= "yup..thanks yellow-chan" ..yellow just stare at them and giggle ...ah I know takeru-kun you like y- shuuuuuuiiii!!! "plz don't tell her!!!!" haha okie!! Yumi just have puzzled look???!! hihihi this two is awesome and interesting people..

WELL SO SORRY IF SHORT...and bad yup they will another like red,blue and many will appear my story..hope you like it..plz don't mad at me if I do mistake..

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