chapter one

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My name is chrissy. One day I became a princess and I had no friends and I thought of me as a lonely princess.

"Mom when can I ever go to school I want to make friends and not be lonely." I said as I walk in the living room.

"You can go in 1 week, but only if you be respectful to everyone." Mom said as she walk toward me put her hand on my shoulder.

"Okay". I said as I walk in the kitchen reaching for the refrigerator handle.

One year ago I was saved by a night and then he became my prince and then my father the king killed him and since then I became so lonely.

One week later

"So Chrissy what do you want to wear for your first day of high school." The maid said while looking through my closest.

"I will wear some jeans and a pink shirt, that will really make me fit in easily."

As I went in the bath room to change my clothes my mom bought me a gift and when I got finish I opened it and it was a new phone and a note that say:
Use this if anybody mess with and my number is already programmed in it.

I went down stairs and my mom said "Are you ready for your first day of high school honey."she said while trying to take a picture of me.

"Yes." I said while picking up my car key.

"See you this afternoon hun." She said sitting down.

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