Survival Instinct chapter one

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Present day:

I was running around my apartment frantically, closing all the curtains and locking all the windows, the whole time hoping i wasn't to late. ‘they could be outside already.’ I thought, wishing I hadn’t after hearing the banging on the door.

“We ain’t gunna hurt you, kid. Not yet anyway. Let us in before I change my mind.” A deep, gruff voice said from the other side of the door.

I need to find a way out of here. These maniacs are going to kill me.

The only problem was my brain wasn't thinking, It was too busy being scared. I took a deep breath and forced myself to calm down enough to think ‘what would Raven do?’

 I ran to the furthest window from the door, closing the two doors in-between me and the front door just as I heard a loud bang and the sound of wood splintering.

I look around and realized I was in the bathroom, and there was nothing to put in front of the door. So I locked it, hearing heavy footsteps getting closer, and pulled the curtains and blinds from the window.

I unlocked it and opened it, leaning out. They were re-doing the outside of the building, so unfortunately the fire escape ended at least a story down, maybe more. I heard banging on the door and decided I had to take a leap of faith, and jumped.

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