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The second he walked through the bedroom door, you knew something was seriously wrong. It wasn't that hard to tell, not with the way his jaw was clenched and his posture stiff, his gait like a barely controlled storm. He entered without any greeting, making you jump when he threw the door open with so muchforce that it hit and made a small dent in the wall.

"Jaebum?" You called out to him, moving to get up, but the look he sent your way had you sitting back down immediately.

You watched, frozen in place, as he flung his duffel bag to some corner in the room, stalked to the bathroom, and slammed that door shut as well, making a few pictures fall.

With a sigh you set your laptop to the side, stood from the bed, and walked over to the few frames.

The first two weren't damaged - thankfully - but the third - your favorite unfortunately - was ruined. A couple shards of glass fell to the floor as you carefully picked the picture up. It was of you and Jaebum at Jackson's birthday party, around the beginning of your relationship, and you'd smiled brightly at one another instead of the camera, like the lovestruck fools you were.

Muffled profanities made their way to your ears, breaking you from your thoughts, causing you to frown.

What was wrong with him? Was he mad at you? You certainly hoped he wasn't, but the sharp glare he gave you said otherwise. Maybe it was work? His group had finished another successful world tour not too long ago and were in the last month of comeback promotions; stress could have easily been the reason for his mood.

Seeing as how Jaebum was the type of person to find an outlet for his stress nowadays, that in itself didn't make much sense to you. Under a critical public eye, it usually resulted in his famous "dislocated jaw" and a scream or shout tossed in every once in awhile - the whole flair for dramatic thing; behind closed doors though, he would bboy until he had no energy left. And truth be told, hot, rough sex was quickly becoming one of his favorite stress relievers.

Loud bangs in four quick successions got your attention, head snapping up towards the bathroom door with furrowed brows and an even deeper frown.

It was a known fact that Jaebum was temperamental - his anger making him like a tornado leaving destruction in its wake - but he'd learned to control it to an extent. He found different ways to deal with his temper so his members would respect and love him, as opposed to fear him. When the two of you started dating, he worked even harder to control it for your sake, never wanting you to see him in that state. But tonight it looked like he finally snapped.

You put the frame down and stood.

Jaebum was clearly upset by something, and even though you knew he wouldn't want you to see him until he was calm enough to think rationally, you refused to leave him alone as irate as he was now.

Slowly walking to the bathroom, you mentally tried to prepare yourself to deal with this side of Jaebum, because in all honesty, you'd never had to deal with an angry Jaebum. The two of you bickered like an old, married couple over small things all the time: who forgot to put the cap back on the toothpaste, the toilet seat, what you two were going to eat on the rare nights he was home, where you were going to eat on those even rarer date nights, and so on and so forth. Just over stupid things with an irritated, not angry, Jaebum. The few times you had actually gotten into heated arguments were usually over jealousy or insecurities but were all unfailingly resolved. Sometimes, they ended in Jaebum leaving before saying or doing something he regretted. Even then he always came home to you, always let you know he was frustrated not angry.


You knocked on the door. No answer. You knocked again before attempting to open it. To your surprise, it was unlocked, so you opened the door just wide enough for you to slip inside and shut it again. And when you turned around, your eyes widened at the mess in front of you.

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