Chapter 1

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Reese was soaked in sweat as she made her last lap. She was currently doing her daily soccer run, she has been struggling with her endurance lately and has been practicing on it.

When Reese finished she walked back into her home to see no one was home. She was confused for a little until she saw an unread message from her mom explaining that her mom and sister make a quick run to Walmart. Her dad was currently still at work since his work didn't offer two months off for summer like her school did.

Reese took a quick shower before she got into some comfy sweatpants and tanktop, she normally would wear a hoodie with it but the heat had more power then her A/C.

School was starting soon, two weeks to be exact, and Reese was dreading it. Reese would be starting Junior year this year, with her electives being French 3, psychology, and criminal justice. Reese knows she is excited to see her friends and take her fun classes but it also meant deadlines, mental breakdowns, and almost no sleep.

As Reese was scrolling through her phone she got a message from Julie, but Reese calls her Jules or J as a nickname, and she could feel her heart skip a beat. Reese met Jules last year in her English 2 class and at first Reese thought she was a little annoying. That was until they became fast friends. And Reese may have gained a little crush on her as well. Julie is the reason Reese realised how gay she could be. That crush may have not gone away yet, even though it has been up to a year.

Reese thought she may have had a chance when she came out to Julie last year saying she was bi and surprise surprise Julie is too. Reese thought her heart was going to explode. Reese has yet to make a move, because although there is a chance she doesn't want to ruin the friendship she has with Julie. Also, Julie is very hard to understand.

She is always telling Reese how pretty she is, holding her hands, and even gives her notes explaining how much she loves her. Reese can't decide if this is flirting or this is just what girls do. Because, some girls are like that. And this is where Grace comes in.

Grace has been Reese's best friend since 7th grade and they have always been there for each other. Whenever Reese needs to rant about how much she likes Julie, Grace is always there to listen. Grace is sure Julie likes her back but Reese has always had self confidence issues and is definite no one has ever liked her.

Back to what Julie sent Reese. It was a message explaining how excited she is for school. That's another thing about Julie she loves, she is very outgoing unlike Reese who is everything but. Reese has always been shy, introverted, and even suffers from social anxiety. Reese can't remember one party she has been to where she hasn't had a panic attack in the bathroom.

Reese texted her back about how nervous she is. Julie replies telling her she shouldn't be because Julie will be right there holding her hand. Reese can already feel the blush staining her cheeks now. Julie also adds how Reese may get a boyfriend or girlfriend this year. Reese just laughs at that because the only person she wants to date is the person she is talking to. Reese just sends back how Julie will probably get one too. Then a very heartbreaking message is sent.

Julie: Actually about that
Julie: I may have a boyfriend

Reese just sits there. Of course she knew this would happen. Guys and girls have had crushes on Julie forever. She is one of the most beautiful girls at our school. But, Reese didn't want it to happen. Reese just texts her back for more info and of course Julie provides.

Julie: Well he is knew to our school, moved here just a month ago
Julie: He is a junior as well and oh my god Reese he is so hot!!!

Reese wants to be happy for her, her best friend got a boyfriend and it takes a good man to make Julie like you. But she was still sad. Sad that Julie is going to fall in love with someone else who isn't her. Reese can't tell Julie about her feelings, especially now, so Reese just sends some words of encouragement and excitement. Julie replies back.

Julie: I know I'm so happy, now we just have to wait for you to get someone. While we're still talking want to come over to my house later?

Now that put Reese in a good mood. She loved going over to Julies house. Not only was Julie there but Julie's family was loaded. Her house was three stories tall with a movie room, a gigantic pool, two balconies, three guest rooms, and Julie's room is huge too. Reese says she'll be over at 3:00 since it's
2:15 now and Reese will have enough time to pack a bag for a sleepover. They usually don't plan sleepovers but they always kind of happen.

Reese begins assembling everything she needs, she always makes sure to wear some cute Pjs to try and attract Julie, but it's probably useless now. Reese gathers all the toiletries she needs, her blanket she takes everywhere, a swimsuit, and lastly a pillow. Reese sets everything at the front door, Julie is going to picking her up. Reese decides in the mean time to go clean up her room.

Once Reese is done it's 2:50 so she has a couple minutes before Julie will arrive. Reese decides to write in her journal:

Dear Diary,
                       Julie has a boyfriend. A BOYFRIEND. God, all my time of hoping one day she picks me up in her arms and kiss me are useless now. She says they aren't dating yet but knowing Julie they will be soon. I'm going over to her house soon so I'll probably meet this mystery man. I'm going to hate him. No matter how amazing this guy is he took my love away from me. God what am I saying? I just need to be happy for her and get over her. Well anyway diary she's gonna be here in five minutes so I'm gonna hide this before she will see it.

Just as Reese was putting away her diary she heard a knock from the front door. She was confused for a little until she realised she kept it locked when she got home. Usually Julie just walks right in. Reese walked to the front door and unlocked and she before she could say 'hi' she had arms wrapped around her.

"What was that for?" Reese questioned. It's not like Reese was upset, of course she would love a hug from her.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in forever..." Julie said while giving her a kiss on her head. It's always been a habit of Julie's, since she was shorter she would always grab Reese's head to give her a kiss.

Reese just laughed and said it's only been a week since they've last seen each other. Last week they went to the movies and then had a sleepover at Reese's house. Julie grabs mostly everything and started to head toward her car. Reese just laughed and followed after her.

Julie's kind gesture kind of failed once they reached Julie's car since Julie couldn't reach her keys that were in her back pocket since her hands were full. Reese blushed once Julie asked her to grab them from her pocket, which Reese quickly grabbed the keys  and just opened the trunk. Once everything was put in the car they were off to Julie's house.

Hey thanks for reading! I hope you liked it. It's my first story and I have yet to make any edits so please tell me anything you think I should, any corrections, or simple opinions on the book so far! I don't know when I will update but probably soon. Thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2018 ⏰

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