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Ashton's P.O.V

So I guess this is how my life is now.


And it all happened in seconds.

All because I said no.

Why did I say no.

Two years ago



I hear someone stomping up the stairs no doubt it's my sister Jessica.

"Hey butt face we're going to the store you coming or not"

Recently she's been calling me names. This ones much better than ummm, you know, that other word for donkey. I'm against cursing, I don't see the need for it. Obviously Jess isn't.

"Yeah no thanks that just means me and dad waiting for you and mom to pick out bras. Last time you flung a pair at me!" I wasn't mad it was actually funny see the cashiers face. She was so shocked. Jess and I were laughing 'bout it for ages.

"Fine do what ever you want just no girls! I mean I doubt you'll get to second base ,but still be a good boy!" She's smiling from ear to ear as she says this. She just loves to mess with me. I do love her though. We get along very well I guess it helps that she's only a year older than me.

"Whatever, have fun!"

She stomps out the door. It's not that she's mad all the time, that just how she walks. It gets pretty annoying

One hour later

As I'm getting out the shower I hear the house phone ring. I walk over to my bed to pick it up.

It's a number I don't recognize. I pick it up anyway.

"Um.. hello?"

"Mr. Irwin" It's a woman she sounds a little older

"Yes this is he, unless you mean my dad then he's not here at the moment"

"Mr. Irwin your family is in the hospital" the other person on the phone tells me. I freak out .

"WHATOHMYGODWHATHAPPENEDARETHEYOKAY" I feel like I can't breathe. This can't be happening. Its a joke Jess is just playing on me. She probably just got her friend Anne to call me tell me this or something. That has to be it right?

"Mr. Irwin I need you to come to Royal Perth hospital."

"Okay okay okay I'm coming now oh God" I slam the phone I get dressed as fast as I can. It's not fast enough. I barely have my shoes on when I get to the car. I drive as fast as I can to the hospital. I hope they're okay.

I park into the first parking I see. I bolt to the emergency door. There are nurses running to three rooms that are covered by curtains.

"HELLO UM I WAS CALLED FOR MY FAMILY. LAST NAME IRWIN" I'm shouting and I need to stop I'm probably hurting the poor woman's ears.

"Oh yes you must be Mr. Irwin" it's the same woman from the phone.

"Yes that's me,please what happened to my family."

"They're in critical condition. They were in a car accident"

"HOLY CRAP OH GOD. Where are they?!" I can hear my heart thumping in my ears. It's so loud I can barely hear the woman as he speaks to me again.

"We can't let you see them at this moment. could you please wait in the sitting room?" She point to the area across from the main desk.

I turn to face the areas she's talking about. Sitting in one of the seats. people are staring at me probably because I just made a big scene.


I've been sitting here for and half an hour. My butts starting to hurt from this seat.

"Mr. Irwin?"


I'm sorry to tell you this.... your family did not survive the crash..." I didn't hear the rest. my body felt numb.

Present day

The accident happened two years ago. I was only 17. I had no other family. No one to go to. That day I learned I had an uncle in America. That's where I am now. America. Three days after my family's death I packed up and boarded a plane from Australia. Only to find out my uncle was a terrible person. It took me a year to run away. It wasn't a smart choice. I couldn't find a job, so now I steal. It's not a thing to be proud of really. At least I have my cousin Luke.


Okayyyyyyy so here's the first actual chapter! I wanted to tell you guys Ashton's backstory 'n stuff.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Apr 18, 2015 ⏰

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