Chapter 19~ Jealousy

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But when we was escorted into a room and was told to wait, I seen Averi sitting next to a nigga I never saw before.

"What you doing here?" I asked Averi as me and karlie took a seat right across from the two

"Same thing i should be asking you." she says with the ugliest attitude

"I'm just showing My roomate Karlie around...." I said

"ROOMATE? she's your fucking roomate? since when?!?" she snapped

"Since yesterday afternoon, damn chill out" I tell her

"Chill out?!?! how do you expect me to "chill out" when your having sex with another bitch!"

"maybe I should just go, I don't have time for this" karlie got up by I pulled her down

"Nah, stay karlie, ima handle this" I locked my eyes on Averi

"We're not having no damn sex! I just met her Averi, and why the hell you worried if I was?!? were not together!" I spat back.

She looked at the dude next to her and then smiled

"So your telling me it's ok to have another female sleeping in the same dorm room as you?" she question calmy

"I didn't ask for this they assigned her" I explained


"I don't have anything against it Averi....what do you want me to do? pack her things and throw her out?"

She giggled

"You know not trippen, cause this guy right here has been taking care of me way better then you did. Matter of fact, we fucked" she rolls her neck but the nigga looked at her sideways

"Wait what?" he asked

"You serious?" I narrowed my eyes at her

"As a venereal disease" she squinted her eyes.

"So you wanna get jealous cause I walked in with a girl that I'm just showing her around the campus, but what you just told me..... is so much fucking worse"

"Jealous ? of that bitch?!? nigga please, I'm sexy as fuck!" she snapped her fingers as she ended her sentence.

"Oh yeah? You didn't think that about yourself two months ago? You that same little insecure girl that would cry herself to sleep at night because you thought nobody loved you. But I did. but not no more because the girl your acting like right now, isn't that same girl I layed across the bed with making endless love too. isn't that same girl I nearly went through hell and back for to save. isn't that same girl I through all my popularity down the drain to be with. "This" what you doing right now, pshhh, man I don't even want it no more. I tried my hardest to make you see how valuable you are but when you finally realize it, you forget who made you. I hope your happy with who you are because I'm not, and this time it's not on the outside....its on the inside. Come on karlie, we just gon go to the other counselor" I grabbed karlie hand and left.

Tears danced down Averi face as we walked out but I just couldn't take her personality change. I just couldn't.


*Averi Pov

I balled out crying right in front of kameron.

I tried to grab his hand but, he snatched it away

"Your an emotional wreck" he says

"What?" I asked wiping my tears

"You just lied on me.... for what? Just before he walked in the room you wanna tell me you don't want nothing to do with me relationship wise, but that ain't what you told him. it's not fair how you just hoed me like that. If you wanna get with me then be foreal, but don't do it just to put on a show. I'm not that type of nigga Averi, you need help. emotionally" he gets up and leaves the room leaving me in there by myself

"Averi?" the counselor opens her door and calls

I immediately dried my face and went inside the room to talk to the counselor


I confessed to about the rape. they were threatened to remove me from the colledge a lil while until things can calm down. I was honestly getting tired of my academic's dropping because the situations that fails to leave in my life. it was nothing more I could do. Major don't want me anymore, kameron hates me.

Being almost attempted of rape was defiantly something I couldn't pull through.

I guess I'm going back home for good, and this time no one better not come after me.

I'm done


Heyyyyyyyy loves!

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~xoxoxoxoxo Tyvia

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