Dream 5 : Ace

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Hey, don't cry... I'm still here for you...
Amai's POV
Our house... My family... Dark memories...
I stood there watching the house burn, the flashback seriously got me. I have already forgotten about that... past... And yet... Here I am, rewatching my memory, it hurts.

I slowly opened my eyes, my eyelids were quite heavy. I could feel my cheeks being cold, I cried huh?

I looked at my right and saw, a brown ragdoll-like plushie, that I had ever since I was 5. Garlicman, is what I called him. Yes, him because I dunno, I just think he's a boy.

Brown cloth, eyes that have orange glow-in-the-dark light, mouth that looked like it came from a child's nightmare, arms that are like bird's wings, and small mouse-like feet. Basically he looks like a weird scarecrow bird.

I sat up my bed and looked at the time, 12:00am, its still midnight. My head hurts, probably because of my dream earlier. I didn't even want to remember that memory, heck I wanted to forget about it.

After the accident, I was took in by an orphanage. Why the orphanage? Do I have no other relatives? I thought to myself back then, I'm actually surprised I still remember those thoughts. The kids in the orphanage didn't like me at all. Some made fun of how my hair isn't a normal color, green. Some don't even come near me because they thought I'll be like my father, crazy. Some just kept calling me a crybaby because all I ever did back then was cry, useless.

All that stopped until I was 7, adopted by a single father. He looked kind, I hope...

le flashback

We got in the car and I sat at the backseat.
"Amai... Akaki, right?" I just silently nodded.

"Not much of a talker, huh?" I didn't respond.

"Well, I hope you open up to us soon, because our son wanted to have a friend for a long time now..." I looked at the man.

"You see... He couldn't make friends because of how he looks like."
Just like me... I thought.

"Kids made fun of him and called him weird, but he didn't talk to me about it." there was a sudden pause.

"Until I saw you at the orphanage..." he continued. He saw me? At the orphanage?

"I was a friend of the caretaker so I knew her well. When I went to the orphanage last week, I saw you being made fun of by the other kids. Then I had an idea, I would talk to the caretaker to see if you could be adopted and you could be my son's friend!" I got confused as to why he would choose me and not anyone else.

"Why... me?" I finally spoke up.

"Because both of you are the same."


"You'll understand what I mean when we reach home."

When we reached his house, well our house now because I was adopted by him. He called out his son. "Ace! I'm home! Come down, I want you to meet someone!"

After calling his son, that's when we met.
"Ace, I want you to meet your new sister, Amai! Go and say hi!" Why do I feel like I am being treated like a dog? Eh fine, I'll say 'hi' anyways.

"H-hi. My name is Amai Akaki... Nice to-"
as soon as I said my name, the father interrupted me.

"Shinrin! Not Akaki! You're Amai Shinrin now." he corrected me.

"O-okay... Then, Amai Shinrin now... Hello..." I slightly waved at him.

"Ace Shinrin. Hello Amai." Ace returned my wave.

Meeting him was so fun, we shared alot of similarities with each other. He had red hair, while I had green, mix them together and you get a strawberry! Well, those aren't same colors though... But! Atleast we made friends with each other, right? Friend or a sibling, I don't care 'cuz he was so fun to be with. I don't understand why kids don't want to make friends with him. I eventually started to open up to them.

"Heeeeey, Amaaaaai. Why don't you call my dad 'dad'?" Ace kept pestering me about that question.

"W-well that's because... Er..." I was too shy to answer his question. How am I supposed to answer a question like that?!

"Hmmm?" he smirked at me and raised his eyebrows, looking at me like he was hearing some 'juicy' information from me.

"I just... No! I can't! It's too awkward!" he bursted out laughing when I said that.

"Wahahaha! You're too funny Amai!" tears were kinda coming out of his eyes, he sure is having a good laugh from me huh?

I pouted at him for laughing at me. What's so funny about it?

He finally stopped laughing, "Well, I can help you with that y'know."

"And how will you do that?" I raised my eyebrow out of curiosity.

"Come with me, I'll make you call him 'dad' and not 'sir' anymore!" he pulled me out of our room. Yes, we shared a room. What's the harm in that?

I gotta be honest, calling his father 'sir' feels so weird. I don't know about 'dad' though...

"Okay, I'll go strike up a conversation with dad, then you'll pop up and join us!" he whispered to me, pointing to our dad.

"When will I come out though?" I whispered back.

"When I say your name, okay go!" he quickly walked towards our dad and talked to him.

"Hi dad! Me and Amai want to talk with you!"
he looked at me and motioned his hand, that was my cue.

"H-hi, d-d-d... da... dad..." I whispered at the part where I said 'dad'.

Our dad's eyes lit up and he looked surprised. Ace grinned like an idiot.

"Did you just... Did you just call me 'dad'?" he pointed his finger towards himself with a confused happy look.

I just nodded. My face is probably as red as Ace's head. Speaking of Ace, he's giggling like a small child right now! Well, he is small so...

"A-Ace! Stop!" I was trying to stop him from laughing, while our dad was just staring at the ceiling probably thinking 'amai called me dad yayyyyy', and I don't wanna think about it.

end of flashback

I smiled at myself from remembering that memory. Remembering all that made me sleepy. I don't think I'll have a nightmare because of that.

I laid back down on my bed and looked at Garlicman. "Goodnight." and I finally closed my eyes.

WOOOOOOO i finally thought up of something. seriously i couldnt think of a plot after that house fire thing! and did u think that garlicman would actually do something? hMMM? well nope not this chapter but soon :D

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