Chapter 1 "I hate moving"

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My name is Newton Isaacs I'm seventeen years old and... I'm gay, nobody knows this not even my Mum I mean if she knew she might kick me out the house oh wait we don't have a house since we are always moving I hate moving so much but my Mum always says when we find a new place that it's gonna be a good new start for us boy she says that every time we find a new place to stay and each time we move that's just my life but what I didn't know was that this next move would change everything for me and this is where my story starts.

Newt sat in the back of his Mum's car a few boxes filled with stuff with him his Mother looked in the wing mirror at her son.

"So Newton you excited to see our new house?" she said acting excited he looked up at her.

"Yeah I guess so" his Mother frowned looking back at the road.

"Hey buddy don't be like that this will be a good start for us I know you hate moving but me and you are in this together okay?" 

"Whatever you say Mum" the rest of the car ride was quiet the car pulled onto a drive of a small blue house.

"We're here" his Mother said getting out the car Newt sighed.

"Another hell" he said before getting out the car his Mum sighing happily.

"Can you get the boxes Newton?" 

"Sure Mum" his Mother walked inside and he grabbed a box going to walk inside.

"Hey there" Newt looked over to see a boy smiling at him he had dark brown hair, bright blue eyes, a muscular body and he was really cute "You moving in?" he said pointing at the house Newt groaned.

"Sadly yes but don't get used to us we will be moving in a month that's what happens with this family" he chuckled looking down, putting his hands in his jean pockets 

"How old are you?" 

"Seventeen" the boy's smile widened.

"Cool so you'll be going to Glade High then?" Newt nodded "Sorry I haven't even asked your name" Newt smiled chuckling.

"Newton, Newton Isaacs but I like Newt for short" The younger boy smiled.

"Well Newt I'm Thomas, Thomas Edison" 

And with that my new life started I didn't know it then but this boy would mean the world to me in days to come and our feelings would be tested.

(Hey guys I know it's not that long but I'll try to post longer stuff next time I hope you like it if you don't well I just tried so see you guys later)

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