How this works.

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You simply write out the information required,

Author name,

Title of book,



Tag a limit of three people,

Password (favourite tree)

Make sure that all this information is commented on a page that says 'Advertise your story' or the comment will be ignored or re-directed. And also make sure that you are on the most recent 'Advertise your story' otherwise I may not get to your 'advertisement'.

I will choose an amount of stories that interest me to advertise on this book. (If your not chosen don't worry, your comment classes as an advertisement anyway) *I have changed the winning entry count to only one*

Those who are chosen, I will PM with you to complete an advertising form (basically planning what you wish for your advertisement). I will also give a review by me on the page your book will be advertised on.

The process is very simple, and easy.

However there are a set of rules you must follow,

You are not to spam the comments with the same book, you can advertise as many different books as you like but not the same book. Different people can advertise the same book too, just not one person advertise the same book more than once per 'Advertise your story' page.

No harassment to any other people.

Respect must be shown to each individual despite of your past, creating a book most will enjoy is difficult and hard to be known, so please show repsect to others.

Have a positive mind while looking through these advertisements, a positive mind is a positive attitude, and you may find a book you like!


I am not going to ask for money, because really this is just a free space of the internet which anyone can use and see.

However it would be useful if gave me a follow so you get notified when I post an update regarding the advertisements. Thanks!

If you do wish to advertise, I will be eternally grateful if you take a quick look at any of my books. Leaving a comment or vote will let me know that you gave it a look!

Thank you for your time, and GOODLUCK!

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