"What's wrong?" Kate asked. Ali motioned her head over to where James and Francesca where. "Oh this isn't good" Janah whispered to herself.

"Let's go over there" Ali said with a glare on her face.

"I don't think that's a good idea Ali. Let's just enjoy the dance, please?" Kate was pleading.

"No. He said he was gonna keep an eye on me and it's the opposite. It looks like I have to keep an eye on him. Let's go."

"Please don't do anything crazy." Kate got nervous when Ali didn't say anything.

"Hey! Mr. Hetfield....Ms. Tomasi! How are you guys?" Ali said, faking she was cheerful.

"Ali! Kate! You girls look gorgeous!" Francesca said hugging both of them. Ali could feel her overly exposed breasts pressing against her much smaller ones. Ali's insecurities were being damaged without wanting them to be.

"Thanks so much" Ali said and looked at James who had blank look on his face.

"Ladies, you look beautiful." He finally spoke.

"Thanks" both Ali and Kate said at the same time.

"Umm, Ms. Tomasi, do you think you can help me out with something, in the restroom please?" Kate knew Ali wanted to talk to James, so she made a distraction.

Francesca didn't want to leave James' side but she was a chaperone after all. Plus, she was so close to tangling him in her wrath. "Umm, okay, sure, let's go"

"We'll be back." Kate said and looked at Ali who mouthed a 'thank you' to her secretly. Kate just nodded.

"So. Ms. Tomasi is looking quite lovely tonight isn't she Mr. Hetfield?" Ali said as she was deciding on what snack to pick.

James made no eye contact with her while talking. Trying to not make it obvious. "Seriously Ali, c'mon"

"No c'mon, James. She's flirting with you. Tell me it's not obvious." she decided on a cookie bit still kept her eye on the food.

"She's just being nice. Plus, I'm here to look after you. I didn't come here to flirt or whatever" Ali noticed the annoyance in his voice.

"She sure is being nice...by flashing you her tits"

"Ali! Seriously, stop!" James shook his head slightly. He honestly thought Francesca was just being nice. And he wasn't going to be rude to her. Ali was overreacting. "Now you see why I get jealous easily." He added.

"Well, it's different now. You told her you didn't like her like that and she's continuing to throw herself at you." James was going to respond but then Kate and Francesca made their way back.

"Hey, sorry we took long." Francesca approached James and hung her arm around his. Ali rolled her eyes in frustration. Kate was about to suggest they leave to their table now until two guys approached them.

"Laidies, wanna dance?" they asked Kate and Ali. Ali turned around to look at James but also to Francesca to not make it obvious. James crossed his arms and gave her a look as if he was saying 'I dare you' and Francesca just smiled and nodded.

"Go ahead girls." Francesca pressed.

"I'd love to." Ali responded and grabbed the guys hands. James shook his head and his nostrils were flaring. They were back to square one.

"Shall we?" the other guy asked Kate and she nodded. She hoped that things wouldn't get to complicated. She tried helping Ali out but Ali just made things worse in a way.

"Wanna dance?" Francesca asked flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"Not right now Francesca. Maybe later though" James was done playing games. He was a fucking adult and he wasn't going to sink to Ali's level. He would just keep an eye on her for now.

While Ali danced with the random guy, she kept glancing over to where James and Francesca are. She was keeping an eye on him just like he was on her. Ali wasn't going to do something stupid though. Not this time. The whole school was practically there and she didn't want problems. She didn't even think about doing anything with the random dude she was dancing with. She was done playing games. She only accepted to dance because she felt bad for saying no. Her eyes were kept on James and Francesca. She suddenly stopped dancing when she noticed Francesca pouring something into James' drink behind his back. James obviously didn't notice since he was looking at Ali. She saw Francesca walked towards him and hand him the drink. Ali ran as fast she could to knock the drink out of his hand before he took a sip.

She stumbled a bit on her heels her mom made her to wear. She hated heels. James was about to take a sip until Ali came rushing and knocked the drink out of his hand, causing it to spill all over the floor.

"What the fuck?" Francesca said as James just looked confused and helped Ali up. People were staring at Ali wondering what was wrong with her. Mr. Ulrich came over after he noticed what happened.

"What did you get yourself into now Ali Cade?" he said irritated.

"She umm..." Ali was hesitant and bit her lip. She didnt know if she could say it or not.

"What is it?" the principal asked again.

Francesca was confused and mad at the same time. Why the hell did Ali Cade do that? Did she see her or something?

"She umm...poured something on Mr. Hetfield's drink" she said nervously.

"What? What are you talking about Ms. Cade? I did no such thing. Crap! She saw me! Fuck! Just deny it all Francesca. Deny it. Francesca started panicking.

James and Mr. Ulrich were shocked at what she said.

"Making stuff up again Ms. Cade, I thought you were done attracting attention to yourself?" the principal shook his head.

"I'm not lying! I saw her!" she looked at James who just shook his head. She wasn't sure if it was because he didn't believe her if because he did and was disappointed at Francesca. She hoped it was the second possibility.

✓ | Mr. Hetfield, My Teacher. [Metallica: James Hetfield]Where stories live. Discover now