Chapter 15

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"I'm really sorry Francesca." James sighed sitting down on Francesca's couch.

"I-I don't understand James. What did I do wrong?" Francesca choked out while crying.

"Nothing Fran, I just... I can't continue this anymore. I can't give you what you want." He didn't know what other way to explain it. His mind was so jammed, he tried his best to explain to her. "It's not you, I promise. It's me...I just can't do this. I'm sorry." He kissed her cheek and got up, walking to the door. While turning the knob, Francesca asked him what he dreaded.

"Is there somebody else?" She asked looking down.

"No." He lied without looking back at her. He opened the door and left.

Francesca knew that he was lying. There was no other explanation for it. He didn't even look in her eye while responding. She was 100% sure there was someone else and she would find out it was. The person killed the only chance she had at happiness and now, they were going to pay. But first, she had to find out who the girl was. Pushover Francesca was gone.

James arrived to his house and rolled his eyes when he saw a stack of papers on his desk. He was in no mood for this but he was going to do it anyways. He sat down and started grading.

One hour passed by and he left his head was going to explode. "Fuck this!" He threw the pen on the table and got his car keys and left. He ended up driving circles as he noticed a car was following him. He knew it was Francesca. He could recognize her car from a mile away. He was wondering what her deal was. When she eventually gave up, he parked a block away from Ali's house. He got out and made sure the car was locked good. He looked around making sure no one was around. It was dark but not very late. It was barely 8. He started walking once he saw it clear. He walked and walked until he finally turned the corner and saw Ali's house. There was a light on it what it seemed like a living room, then another one on the second floor. Must be her sister's room. He thought. He carefully walked on the edge and managed to get to the back. He looked up and saw Ali's light so he assumed she was in there. He climbed up and stepped into the balcony. He opened the balcony doors that were always left open and walked in. She wasn't in there. He stepped in and could hear voices down stairs. Ali's voice specifically.

"I'm not gonna change schools dad. We moved here not too long ago and now you wanna move me again? There's no way!" James heard was Ali said. He was confused as to why her dad wanted her to change schools. Probably because of Tommy. Obviously. "Whatever, I'm going to my room. No one bother to knock because I won't open up." James hid behind the door once he heard her footsteps.

Ali walked into her room, closed the door and locked it. Still not noticing James was there. James walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around which caused her to jump but she didn't scream. She knew it was him.

Ali turned around and smiled. "You came to see me." She kissed him softly on the lips.

"Of course, I came to rescue you remember? You asked me to?"

Ali laughed. "So you saw what I left you?" She rested her hand on his chest.

"Yeah, thank you. That's very sweet." He bent down to kiss her neck. "And it was delicious." He kissed her neck again. Ali giggled and held onto his biceps. "So, I overheard you talking to your dad. What was that about?" He whispered. Ali rolled her eyes, and went to sit on the bed, facing the balcony. "What's the matter?" James asked sitting beside her.

"My dad wants me to go to another school because of what happened with Tommy. He thinks I'll suffer if I continue going there but I don't care what anybody thinks of me. Tommy can go and say whatever he wants. As long as you, Kate, Jonathan, and Veronica, believe me, I don't care." She held onto his arm and rested her head on his shoulder.

✓ | Mr. Hetfield, My Teacher. [Metallica: James Hetfield]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें