Had my father been there, they would've all shit their freaking pants. "Oh really?" He seemed amused at this, leaning forward so that he was eye level with me, something I did not approve of.

I looked down to the ground. It actually made me hear people better, to be honest. If I didn't look into their eyes. People just hold too many emotions in their eyes; it messes me up.

"You know," he leans closer, his breath was extremely minty because he goes through packs of gum faster than an average person. He shows gum no mercy on the field. I guess it helps him channel his nerves, if he has any.

Maybe it's just to keep him focused—he gets character descriptions in my head now? Really, Carter?

"When we first saw your mom, back in freshman year, she took a liking to me. Don't you remember?" His northern accent was thick with sly pleasure. He was getting under my skin and he enjoyed it.

"I remember you acting like a pussy starved creep." I slapped my hand over my mouth when the word just flew out of it. I don't think I've ever said that word out loud before, but seeing the shock on his face kind of made it worth it.

Kind of.

I could tell he narrowed his eyes at me. Because the heat of his gaze dimmed, but the waves of simmering rage was still strong. I bit my lip, holding it between my teeth hard, awaiting his next words.

But when there were none, I released a huff of breath, leaning back into my chair as the cheers of the crowd filled the area. Funny because it seemed like they were cheering for me. I had shut him up.

I felt a smile coming up on my face before a big hand came down on my thigh, gripping it tightly. I didn't even realized I had closed my eyes before they popped open, "Oh!"

Carson's inked fingers had found my upper thigh, and he dug his fingers deeper into my skin. I had gained the attention of other teammates but when they looked at Carson, they turned away. He grinned at me.

It made my tummy turn deliciously.

It made my mind scared for its life.

"That's funny, Carter. Your mom had the same reaction when I tapped her ass." He ran his big, tatted hand over my thigh, smoothing out the wrinkles in my pants, and taking the slight pain from his grip away for good.

And he got up, and left to go talk to coach about something.

"What the hell...?" I sighed to myself, looking down at my thigh where it had met Carson's hand for the first time.

I blinked.


     Hitting the showers, I didn't have the luxury of having the entire place to myself, so I decided to hurry up and wash as fast as I could with Vinny behind me, blocking me from the rest of the guys.

     He had his back facing my back so he didn't see me, and I didn't see him. And the guys didn't see me. So it was a win for everybody. Except Hunter.

     "Come on, Vin. Just one glimpse. I wanna know if that uniform is deceiving, or if she really does have an ass." His words caused the guys to hoot in agreement. I snorted.

     "If you're packing washboard abs, tattoos, a height taller than six feet, a third leg longer than eight inches with a girth of three or more, and weighs more than one hundred ninety, then you are more than welcome to get a peek." The whole shower room got quiet except for the water that was hitting the floor.

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