Chapter 2: Your my twin... your annoying... so does make me annoying?

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"Well guys," I heard my principal say when we entered his office making us look at each other. You never want someone to start of a convo with 'Well guys' especially if your a girl.

"Yeah?" we asked at the same time with out noticing it. We do it so much that well, it just awesome.

"Your father and i just got off of the phone, and he said that it be best if you guys are moved to a different school, that's all he wanted me to tell you, mentally prepare you guys for when you guys get home, but you know me, I'm your uncle, I don't care what he says," He chuckled, it's true he was our uncle, reason why we get away with so much things.

"Anyways, you guys are going to a boarding school, so yeah," was all he said.

"Where is it jefa-fa" I asked, ever since we watch that one Jeff Dunham show with him and since his real name is Jeff Smith, it just worked out.

"Well, It's in across the state," wait...

"So it's in The US? You could've just said that you know, would've been a large help," I said stubbornly. We live in Canada now so that kinda sucks.

"Well he wants the best for ya guys, you know how he is, or at least you better know, he is your dad," me and Casper looked at each other obviously proud that we don't have to be in the play any more.

"SCORE!" We shouted. 

"I'm guessing you guys got out of something," our uncle chuckled.

"Yep, the play," I said.

"Of course, I guess by joining that, you thought you were going to get out of classes? But soon found out that it was an after school type thing," he laughed. Yeah, that part sucked. Even though that wasn't the story at all...

"So now, we don't have to have you after our neck all the time eh?" Casper laughed.

"No, now you have some stranger," our uncle said.

"Yeah, i feel sorry for him already," I said. Well, it was true, our uncle did give us detention every once and a while, but mainly? He let our father deal with us, which is why we never learn our lesson. 

"Do you know when we are going?" I asked him, Casper looking at our uncle wondering the same question.

"Sorry about that, that's all he told, me, he wanted to break the news to you guys, but i wanted to more than him," he chuckled but continued on, " Anyways, he said to let you guys off today, but let me tell you, this is your last day so, lucky you, you must be going sometime next week is my guess though," he said. We nodded.

"So, see ya later uncle," Casper and I said at the same time.

"See ya," was his reply. We both went to our lockers and placed everything (which wasn't much, we don't have textbooks because we loose or write in them too much so the teacher gives us them at the beginning of class and we hand them back at the end of each class), in our book bags, an headed home. We were walking today I guess, the bus won't come at lunch... mainly because no one needs it at lunch.

We walked a few blocks in silence, which was very odd for us, i guess we had to much on our minds. A boarding school, wow, never thought i would go to one seeing as I'm in grade 11. Plus, I guess our dad just doesn't want to choose between us who is going to take his place at the head of his company, so we'll run it together.

"Jasper, do you think we'll be in seperate rooms?" I heard Casper say.

"If we aren't, then i guess our new room mate will have to get used to our unusually sleeping habits eh?" I laughed. It was quite weird. We both wake up at 5am, go have a cup of coffee, then sleep until 6 from our alarm clocks, then we'd pretty much get the coffee out of our system by running around and just being idiots. Then fall asleep until we really have to wake up.

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