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Ansel pressed one final kiss on Finnick’s lips as they prepared to leave and execute Plutarch’s plan

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Ansel pressed one final kiss on Finnick’s lips as they prepared to leave and execute Plutarch’s plan. “I’ll see you soon, Watts.” Finnick hummed, gently rubbing his thumb on the patterned ring on Ansel’s finger.

“Be careful, okay?” Ansel warned, tightening his grip on Finnick's hand. He wanted to hold onto Finnick tightly and never let go; never wanting to be apart from him. He wished they didn't need to be separated. Although he supposed that if he were wishing for things he should've wished for the Hunger Games to never exist.

“I will if you will.” Finnick responded with a grin, a beautiful grin that made Ansel's heart nearly stop beating.

“It's a deal.” Ansel said with a nod. Johanna was calling out to him then, saying that it was now time to separate. Ansel paused before nodding his head, giving Finnick's hand one more squeeze before he was turning, fingers slipping out of Finnick's grasp as he walked away.

Beetee had already tied the coil around the tree and now Katniss, Ansel and Johanna had the job of unspooling it and making sure it went into the water, where they hoped the careers would be. Then they planned to meet up with the rest of the group at the tree in the two o'clock sector.

It seemed that Peeta hadn't known that him and Katniss would be separated as he but in with, “I'm going to go with them as a guard.” Ansel knew the boy just wanted to make sure that the girl he loved would be okay, however, he also knew that if he came along, it would put a large wrench in their plans.

“That's what I'm for, right guys?” Ansel commented with a cheeky grin, Finnick smiling at him adoringly in response.

Johanna, however, simply rolled her eyes in annoyance. “We can take care of ourselves.” Katniss and Peeta looked ready to interrupt once more and Johanna could tell so she said again, “It's his plan and we all agreed to it.”

“Is there a problem here?” Finnick questioned as he regarded the two lovers. If he and Ansel were to be separated with no complaints, then it was only fair for Katniss and Peeta to do the same. They seemed to be on the same page (or at least wanted the four pairs of eyes off of them) and reluctantly agreed, but not without a few parting words and kisses.

“Alright let's go,” Johanna called as she began to walk away. Katniss and Ansel followed behind, taking one last look at their loved ones. Finnick smiled softly, his eyes twinkling in the darkness. Ansel gulped down his fear and faced ahead once more. He only hoped it wouldn't be long before he saw Finnick again. However, he kept his thoughts positive, not wanting to lose faith in Finnick or the plan. The three (Ansel, Johanna, and Katniss) trekked down the path, Katniss holding the coil carefully in her hands.

“I know how you feel,” Ansel spoke, causing Katniss to look over at him curiously. “I'm worried about Finnick too. But we just need to successfully execute this plan and then we can see them again.”

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