Chapter 1

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His day started off like any other. Wake up, get dressed, eat, get the mail. When he walked out to the mail box and opened it there was only one letter inside. It was addressed to him and written on thick parchment.

That's odd. He thought to himself, I don't ever get letters.

Mr. D. Carter

Second Upstairs Bedroom

7. Cricket Drive

Little Whinging


That was his name and his bedroom and his address written in green, but he was confused. He took the letter to his room and tore into it. Inside it said his name again so it couldn't be a mistake. He read through it and his jaw dropped. He had been accepted into a school for witchcraft! But there was no such thing as magic, there couldn't be. Not for someone as ordinary as him.

He heard the door downstairs unlocking and opening signaling him that his mother was off her shift as a nurse. He scrambled to pick up the letter and other pieces of envelope and stuff them under his pillow. He didn't know how she'd react so for now he'll keep it to himself.

"Devon get down here now!" His mother yelled from downstairs. He popped off his bed and went down as fast as he could.

"Yes mum?" He said

"Why are there pieces of paper torn up all over?" She put her hands on her hips and looked angry at him. He looked around to see that he had in fact torn the envelope to shreds on the way to his room.

He sighed and knowing he couldn't lie to her he told her everything about the letter, even running up to get it.

"This is just some prank right? One of your silly friends." She asked.

"Mum my friend has never been over so she doesn't know our address. I think this might be the real thing." He said hopefully.

"Fine. When the day comes we'll go to this train station and you can figure out how to get onto this alleged platform 9 3/4." She threw her hands up in defeat.

"But what about my supplies mum? It says to go to someplace called the leaky cauldron and to go through to another place called diagon alley." He checked the paper again.

She sighed at him. "Fine we'll go look for where ever that is tomorrow since I'm off work. Now I'm gonna go get some sleep. Don't wake me up." She left for her bedroom.

He smiled, then he laughed, and he jumped around and celebrated. Magic was real! No more boring life. He was only 11 but his life had been very boring up until now. He only had one friend and she wasn't allowed to come over because her parents thought that they would do dirty things or something, and on top of that they only had two classes together so they barely got to see each other. He hoped he would make new friends at his new school.
The next day when his mother woke up they went into the city to look for the leaky cauldron. After much searching Devon saw it and dragged his mother in. Inside was full of people his mother thought looked scary. So they went and talked to the kind faced barkeep.

"Hello folks what can I get you?" He said.

"Uhm my son got accepted into a school called Hogwarts and the letter said that we come her to go to diagon alley, but I don't really know what I'm doing so I was wondering if you could help?" His mother said nervously.

The kind man smiled at her. "Of course I can help dear. First we'll need to exchange you some money so you can afford his supplies, then I'll write down a list of stores that you'll need to go in. After that I'll show you how to get into the alley." He smiled and wrote down a list. Then he traded some of her money for a purse full of coins. Then he handed her the list and lead them behind the store. He took out a stick and tapped a few of the bricks. The wall opened up to reveal a shopping district

The mother and son thanked the man and headed toward the first store on the list, Olivander's. Once inside Devon tried multiple wands before he finally found one that worked for him. After that they continued shipping for his school supplies. When they went into the book store Devon accidentally ran straight into someone.

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going!" He looked up at the person only to see a tall boy with bright blue hair.

"It's ok. I'm Teddy, Teddy Lupin. Who are you?" He smiled softly down at Devon.

"Oh I'm Devon Carter. Are you going to hogwarts too?" He said seeing the same titles he was looking for in Teddy's arms.

"Yeah I am. I have to get going but I'll see you there Devon Carter." Teddy winked at him and walked out. Devon ran to find his mother and decided not to tell her about the fluttery feeling that Teddy's wink gave him. They hurriedly finished shopping and went home.

On September 3rd they went to Kings cross Station and wandered trying to find Platform 9 3/4. Eventually Devon ran into someone again. He looked up to see the back of a bright blue head.

"Looks like you have a thing for running into me Devon Carter." Teddy said as he turned around. He looked down at the shorter boy and smiled at him. "You look a little lost. Do you need some help?"

Devon blushes from embarrassment. He hadn't thought it was that obvious that he was lost. "Yes please. My mum and I are trying to find platform 9 3/4. Can you help?"

"Of course. Follow me." He wrapped his arm around Devon and they walked off with Ms. Carter following behind happy that her son already has a friend. "So are your parents muggles then?" Teddy asked.

"What are muggles?" Devon asked back.

"People who can't do magic." Teddy replied.

"Oh, well I don't know about my dad cause I've never met him but my mom can't do magic." Devon said sheepishly. Teddy decided to drop it after seeing the the frown on his face.

As they came to platforms 9 & 10 Teddy smirked at Devon and ran at the wall disappearing. Devon gasped and smiled back at his mother. He quickly gave her a hug and a promise to send her letters before following after Teddy.

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