{Chapter One}

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Veronica's PoV--

"So, have you asked anyone for the dance?" My bestest friend Anne asked.

"Uh... no? What 'dance' are you talking about?" I asked, a little bit confused as to whre this conversation was headed. Maybe I wasn't just paying enough attention in my classes..

Anne groaned threw her hands up in the air before replying. "Arghhh! I'm talking about the Candle Light that's supposed to happen next week!"

I just nodded, not interested in the fact that we're going to have our first high school dance, because, we are, in fact, just graduated from middle school. We walked our way to our lockers, which was, by the way, next to each other.

"So.. who are you planning to ask?" Anne asked. I don't really have anyone to ask, I just wish Oakwood High was normal like any other schools in town.

"I don't really know. I'm thinking... the nerd in our Math class?" Anne just chuckled before slamming her locker door shut.

"Are you kidding me? That's just so gross, Nica! Who knew you have such a bad taste when it comes to boys." Anne said and rolled her eyes before I playfully hit her arm.

"It's not my fault though! It's not like Calum would agree if I ask him to be my date." I said, just in time the sweetest boy you'll ever meet rounded up the corner and stopped right in front of me. It's not my fault that everybody loves him, he's the sweet  but  popular one.

"Uhm, hey Calum." I blushed, wondering if he heard what I told Anne. 

"Hey babe!" It's not the ''babe'  that lovers call each other. It's the babe that Aussies call to their friends and random strangers .

"Hey Anne!" Someone yelled, Anne looked around, wondering where the voice belongs. That is, until Ashton appeared behind Calum. Yes, two sweet and popular boys are friends with us, wondering whst's weird about it? They're not supposed to hang out with the 'outcasts' as Luke Hemmings and Michael Clifford says.

"Uh... Cal? Ash? What the fuck are you doing here, hanging out with the outcasts?" 

Speaking of the devil...

"Are you seriously friends with this, dudes?"

Uhm.. corretion, devils.

"Don't  talk about us as if they aren't here." Another popular one chirped. Actually, there are two of them, the one named Ella is the nice one. And the other one? Well she's a complete bitch. Everyone knows Julia cheats on Luke, the typical slut of the school.

"What do you care?" Michael snapped. I can't believe Ella and Michael are together! I mean, Michael's a total asshole, unlike Ella, who's a complete angel.

"What do care? The fact that you hurt these people! Not because they're outcasts means you can abuse them. Ugh, I'm outta here." Ella said and pushed past in the crowd of people muttering 'excuse me's'.

"You're so doomed Michael. She's mad." Ashton muttered as Michael groaned before sauntering after Ella. I can't understand these people sometimes I mean, Ashton and Calum are also part of the popular circle so.. what make them friends with us? And Ella? She's like an angel! But what did Ashton mean by that?

"Hey." Kirstin said quietly. She just put her stuff in her locker before running away from us. What's her problem anyway? Everytime Luke's here, she just.. acts as if she's invisible or runs away from us. Is it beacause she's jealous? I mean, we all know (Our circle of friends) hat she likes Luke but there's something different sbout her. I might confront her about it one day.

"Hey Veronica! Hey Anne!" Kierene - also know as Irene - said as she ran over. 

"Have you seen Kirstin? I'm actually worried about her. She just sort of ran away without saying a word." I said. I looked over at Luke who has a guilty look plastered on his face as he swallowed a lump in his throat. He looked anywhere but at us. I knew he has something to do with this.

"Uh.. no, you should ask the janitors, though. They're the ones that's always near the bathroom." She replied.

"Oh, okay. I'll just go look for her." I said and started walking away, That is, until I heard Calum's voice.

"Hey Veronica!" He said. I looked back and saw him running after me.

"Who's your date for the dance?" He asked before stopping to catch his breath as I wait for him.

"I don't have any. I don't even think I'll go to the dance."

"What?! Why?!" He practically screamed. Good thing it was just the two of us in the hallway now.

"Low your voice down!" I scolded.

"Sorry.He muttered sheepishly before turning to look up at me again.

"I don't have a date, you know." I said quietly, embarrassed to let anyone but him to hear. It's not like I'm Ella - or Julia to have enough confidence to ask someone, especially someone that belongs to the popular group.

"Oh." He said awkwardly as I tried to come out with something to lessen up the awkwardness.

"How about you? Do you have a date already? Oh, of course you have. I mean you're a popular one. How about that chick Selene-" 

"Will you calm down?!" He yelled as I looked at my shoes - which seemed to look very interesting at the moment.

"Jesus, Veronica. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way. Godamnit-"

"Will you stop swearing at once? Ugh, i'm sorry Calum. I- I need to finish something for one of my claases." I said before running away from him as I felt the rising sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, heading towards the girls' bathroom. I went in one of the stalls before puking and flushed it down. I straightened my uniform again before walking back to my locker and grabbed my toothbrush, realizing the bell rang half an hour ago.

I hope no one will find out about this, and I'll make sure of it.


Chapter one done! Written by -pizzaqueen :D

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