(Virgil X Child!Reader) New Home.

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If only took a short while of crying for me to break suddenly and start crawling there instead. Sadly, I have to admit that I was being dramatic about crawling, but I was only five. I chose a house at random. After my fist made a short thudding sound on the door, twice, I snatched it away and stood up, trying to make myself presentable.

Faint and muffled voices, kind of sounding alike, came from inside. Voices, there must be a lot of people... I shivered again.

The handle rattled and the door opened. A tall man with a blue and black tie wore literally black everything. Black shirt, pants, shoes, you name it. Another thing that stood out were his glasses. The man looked like a businessman you would see on television, but slightly more animated. His eyes were a dark almond colour as well was his hair. It reminded me of chocolate! A part of his hair, though, was dyed a shade of purple.

It took a moment for him to notice me, but when he glanced down at me he seemed perplexed.

"Why is there a human girl at our door?" he had asked. "It's so late, she should have been in bed."

Before another person, I assume the man's brother only because of the similarity in looks. I cocked my head, peeping to see inside of the house. Another male that looked just like the other two sat on a brown couch, watching television. There was another in the kitchen, still looking the same. One more man that looked more natural than any of his.. Brothers was striding down the stairs gracefully.

The man on the couch wore only purple and black shades of colour. His hoodie was black and purple and looked like  someone had done a crappy job of sewing it all up together. His shirt was also a purple with little shreds appearing on it every now and then when you looked at him up and down. One strange thing that stood out about him was the black eyeshadow underneath his eyes. I didn't get his name yet.

And the man beside the one with the blue tie also wore the same looking pair glasses, but he looked more animated and lively. They all have the same eyes, some having more emotion and meaning than the others. Setting the thought of their eyes aside, my eyes glazed over his choice of clothing. He wore a sky blue polo shirt, a grey cardigan hanging loosely on his shoulders. On the sleeves of the cardigan I saw little paw prints, it was probably some sort of animal hoodie!

"I'm Patton!" Patton, the tall man with the cardigan spoke kindly to me. He smiled. "And this is Logan," he gestured towards the man wearing a tie. His eyes seemed to sparkle. "And Virgil," he pointed towards the one wearing a black and purple hoodie that was caught into a gaze with the T.V.

Patton also introduced the one in the kitchen for me, the one wearing a colourful outfit, one that I thought was cute. I liked the gold, white and red type of colours. He looked like a prince, a red sash thrown over his shoulder and crossing across his chest. His white prince outfit had the golden coloured lace buttons shoulder pad thingies. A dashing prince, I might add. His name was Roman, as I was told.

The casual looking boy's name was Thomas, the one that had been striding down the stairs to see who was at the door. He now smiled at me, waving Logan away kindly. His shirt was a blue kind of colour with spots on it.. He wore jeans and had the exact same face as the others.

He spoke softly to me. "I also have a Side named Deceit, but he doesn't show up very often."

"Thankfully." one of the 'Sides' commented.

I peered in. "Mommy weft me," I spoke in a baby tone of voice, trying my best to pronounce my words properly. Although I had trouble sounding out the letter 'r' at the time."and I'm thiwsty."

Patton awed at me, using a grabby motion to try and snatch me but he hesitated. "Can we keep her, Logan?"

His head arose from the book he was reading. "Why would we do that?" he answered with a question.

The natural one, Thomas, chimed in. "Because she doesn't have a home," he paused, slowly turning his head to me. "Right..?"

I nodded.

The three had questioning looks on each others faces. Maybe PAtton not so much, he was sure about what he wanted. Before butting in on this staring contest, Virgil stole Logan's book and flipped one of the pages, continuing to read through it from when Logan, the Logical Side, left off. "Think about the pros and cons, Thomas." he whispered in a velvety but rough tone. "The responsibility of having to take care of a child is... stressful, dontcha think?"

Thomas shook his head. "But she was abandoned." he gazed at me with puppy eyes, as did Patton.

"But on the other hand," Anxiety continued. "It might fill up an emptiness in you that you never even knew was there. Like a mistake that you never thought about fixing stumbled upon you."

"Don't compare her to a mistake!" Patton intruded.

I don't know if they realized, but I could hear everything they were saying. So I probably would be able to anticipate whether they would allow me to stay with them or otherwise.

To my surprise... To almost everyone's surprise, Virgil knelt down next to me and shrugged. He smiled. Did I do that? Did I make him smile? If so, I liked that!

Virgil was still. "Actually, may we please keep her, Logan?"

Logan was confused of why everyone was asking him if they could keep a child. "Only if I don't have to deal with her all the time." he replied wryly, gripping his book back and taking it away from Virgil. And with this information Virgil nodded.

His smile only faltered fo a half second but Anxiety still stayed beside me. "What's your name, peanut?" he asked with a new nickname for me already.

"(Y/N)!" I oozed enthusiasm. There was a little slur in my voice, though.

Anxiety helped me inside. "You can sleep in my room for now--I'll sleep on the couch." he had said to me with a calm tone. Had all the sarcasm or rough tinge to his voice leave?

"Thank you." I squealed, hugging him as tight as I could.

On the other side of the room, closing the door, Thomas laughed. "I've never known Virgil to be a sucker for kids."

Logan sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "He isn't, Thomas."

Thomas jolted over alongside Patton. "Don't think if you're going to be hugging that I'm not joining, because I will hug you!" Patton threatened,

Virgil hugged me. He was warm. Probably because of the very big hoodie. Roman joined, Thomas, Patton... Logan was hesitant to join, but he still did after everyone was begging him.

"Thank you so much!" I cried, my cheeks flushing red from all of the attention.

"Don't stress it." Anxiety ruffled with my hair and Patton went to get me a glass of water.

* * *

I love this new family. Forever.

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