Act 5. Makoto - Sailor Jupiter

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"Ugh. I swear Usagi is worse than Grandmother Tsukino. Grandmother never left anything behind and was never late to anything." Sakura sighed, stopping as the crosswalk. "Though I guess Usagi's getting better at getting up and getting to school on time." She looked down at the lunch box in her hand, sweat dropping. "Just wish she didn't forget her lunch, but what can you do? It's a work in progress."

Sakura walked around Juban Junior Highschool, looking for her younger odango haired sister. Soon, she found her outside and sitting on a bench with a female much taller than her and her little sister.

"Usagi!" Sakura called, causing the two students to look over at her. She smiled softly and held up Usagi's lunchbox. She giggled as Usagi jumped up and ran over to her sister.

"Sis!" Usagi greeted and hugged her older sister before taking the lunchbox from her. "Thank you for bringing my lunch. Though I'm sorry I wasted your time." Sakura tilted her head in confusion.

"I let her eat some of my lunch, ma'am." The girl explained, making Sakura look at her.

As stated, she was very tall. Her auburn hair was put into a cute ponytail that complimented her naturally wavy hair. Her skin was very warm, compared to her and their other friends. Her eyes were as green as emeralds along with her hair accessories among her ponytail. Sakura could tell she was tough for the account of the muscles she could see through the shirt. She looked closer and saw that she had cute little pink, rose earrings.

"Thank you for sharing your food with my little sister. You saved our household from shouting and crying." Sakura smiled as she thanked the girl. She smiled more and held out her hand. "I'm Sakura. Sakura Tsukino."

The girl looked up at Sakura, a blushing creeping up before shaking Sakura's hand. "I-I'm Makoto. Makoto Kino."

Sakura smiled and sat down on the bench with the giggles, taking bites of both Makoto and Usagi's lunch. "Mmmm Makoto. This is so good."

"Y-You think so?"

Sakura smiled and nodded. "I know so." She answered before hearing the bell ring. "Well, I guess that's my que to leave." She stated, getting up off the bench. "Bye, Usagi. Bye, Makoto. It was nice to meet you, Makoto."

"Bye sis/Sakura!"

Sakura sighed as she walked with her mother in the shopping district. "Why are we going to a bridal store, mother?"

"To browse. Maybe buy one."

"For who?"

"For you of course!"

Sakura stopped and looked at her mother. "That would be a waste of money, mother."

Ikuko looked at her daughter with a sad smile. "You plan on wearing Grandmother's wedding kimono, huh?" She sighed softly as she watched Sakura's head nod. "I'm not going to lie to you. That kimono is extremely fragile. Plus your body is extremely different than Grandmother's." She winked, causing her daughter to blush. "Besides, you might need it sooner than you think."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean by how much you talk to the Mamoru boy, I wouldn't be surprised if he proposed to you tomorrow."

"Mom...its not like that." Sakura sighed.

"Mother knows best and is always right." Ikuko stated, leaving the conversation to an end as they entered the bridal shop.

That night at the bridal store, Sailor guardians: Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, and Sailor Mars come to fight the possessed bridal store mannequin while Makoto was cornered by a possessed Motoki. Soon the bridal store mannequin and Motoki were surrounded by an array of golden arrows.

"Are those Sailor S' arrows?" Sailor Mercury asked, examining them.

"Of course they are." Sailor Mars answered. "And it's helping us take down this demon bride without struggling too hard."

Sailor Moon nodded and started to attack the mannequin with Sailor Mercury and Sailor Mars backing her up.

Sailor S stood at the roof of the bridal store, smiling watching the sailor guardians take her offer to help them before turning her attention to Makoto. "Makoto! Here! Catch!" Sailor S shouted as she jumps off the roof, throwing a transformation pen at her. She elegantly landed on the ground as Makoto caught the pen. "Now yell 'Jupiter Make-up' and go help the others. I'll take care of Motoki." She ordered. She watched as Makoto turned in Sailor Jupiter and run to help the others. She smiled softly before turning to Motoki, cupping her hands in a praying motion.

"In all that is pure and innocent
Balancing out the corrupt and evil
In the name of balance and order
Release this innocent soul from the power of the evil!"

She chanted, engulfing him and herself into a bright light, disappearing minutes later.

After defeated the possessed bridal mannequin, the sailor guardians looked everywhere for Sailor S, but as before, she was nowhere to be found.

"Just who are you, Sailor S?"

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