Chapter 2

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

The repeated beeping of the alarm clock beside the bed of a disheveled and sleep deprived young man toned the end of the cool bliss of summer break.

And for this particular young man the return of dreadful classes filled with ignorant and lazy students and even worse arrogant professors who thought because you were younger than them that you were automatically a lazy, idiot who didn't deserve their respect but still demanded respect from you.

This was made worse in the eyes of this sleep deprived young man by the ignorant and lazy students.

Though as the young man's brain left behind the fog of sleep he hoped for better classes, students, and teachers this year as he was after all entering his first year of med school.

It was his hope that these students would finally have realized that this was their future career on the line and decide to put in the effort and that the professors would have realized the students were only there to learn about a subject they both revered or well most students were.

He took joy in the fact that he would only have to take classes related to medicine unlike the last four years filled with pointless English classes and mundane social science classes which of course wasn't even real science.

Well he'd be taking all medical classes except for his class on the chronic illnesses, disabilities, the environment and how they all relate together. But he wanted to take that class and it did relate to his major and would help him he hoped both professionally and personally.

But his hope for a greater learning experience aside, what Alexander "Xane" Jinx was most looking forward to and dreading at the same time was how his little sister Charlotte's, or Charlie as she was known, first college experience would go.

Xane feeling better about having to return to school turned off his alarm and stepped out of his room to ready himself for the day ahead. Having showered, changed, eaten breakfast, and gone for a light jog Xane was ready to pick up his sister for her first day.

His little sister being only sixteen still lived at home with their parents. Yeah, she was only sixteen and entering her first year of college. The whole Jinx family was slightly advanced.

His parents were both world acclaimed scientists which did lend a sort of celebrity status to Xane and his siblings in certain circles, with other scientists, with his science professors, and Xane assumed the same thing would be said for his medical professors.

Xane had also entered his first year of college at sixteen being only twenty and entering grad school. And his two-year-old sister Lana was reaching 4-year-old milestones and sometimes five-year-old milestones.

Being slightly younger than his peers his whole life did lend to some form of bullying for Xane, but it wasn't something Xane regretted although it did account for his desire to protect his little sisters from this and all other forms of bullying.

Moving ahead a few grades also meant all your friends were either older than you or a few grades behind with Xane's best and only friend being a senior in college and a year older than Xane.

Xane was also fairly known because as world renowned scientists his parents were also fairly affluent. They weren't the one percent, but they had money.

Although his parents' meager backgrounds didn't allow for money to corrupt their morals and allowed for them for the most part to raise children who weren't spoiled in Xane's opinion.

They were rich enough that driving through his parents neighborhood in his father's prized truck that he'd had since he was sixteen before passing it down to Xane when he turned sixteen always brought stares from some of his parent's new neighbors or the quite simply racist ones who until they recognized him as one of those smart black kids would sincerely come to their doors with their phones clutched in their hands waiting to see if he'd cause some form of trouble so they could call the police.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2018 ⏰

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