Chapter 3: Yule Ball

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Everyone was gathered in a room, McGonagall giving a speech about the Yule Ball. Hermione smirked at the thought and then quickly put on a serious face. 
"Now we shall practice dancing! Girls stand up! Guys as well! I shall pair you!" McGonagall stated. Ron danced with Lavender, Harry with Cho, Ginny with Dean, and George with Luna. That left

Fred and Hermione.

Hermione looked over at him and then quickly looked down at her book. She wanted to push her crush on him away and this was not helping.
Fred soon walked up to her and grabbed the book, "Granger...before we dance. I need to have a talk with you." Fred looked down and then gestured for her to get up. Hermione stood up and then followed Fred outside of the classroom.
"Look... 'Mione... say you liked someone, but that someone sees you as their sister." Fred said, not wanting to break her heart. "Do you like anyone?" He slowly asked, after hesitation.
"Fred... I- what do you mean?" Hermione slowly asked, "Fred...what."
"Ginny... I-" but he couldn't finish. Hermione cut him off, her cheeks red and her nostrils flaring.
"Oh! I see! You think... I like you! Well don't worry anymore! I used to but now I don't!" She said and straightened her Gryffindor tie, "I think I'll skip dance lessons." She muttered and then walked off. Fred had never had Hermione mad at him before.
Hermione walked on, wiping her eyes. The Yule Ball was in a 2 days. She didn't need to go. She didn't need a date. She was fine. Hermione soon heard Ginny run after her, and Hermione quickly turned towards her, "Don't say anything!" Hermione said through tears, "don't talk to me! Don't do anything!" Hermione wiped her eyes, "because believe me, Ginerva, you've done enough!" Ginny stood there speechless.
"Hermione...what did I do?" Ginny asked.
"Why would you t-tell Fred I liked him?! Well Ginny, I don't anymore because he doesn't even like me back! I hope you're happy!" She yelled and then stormed off.
Hermione continued to walk. Someone using her full name didn't affect her.
Viktor Krum, one of the Triwizard Contestants.
Hermione hadn't expected it. He had walked up to her and had sat down beside her while she was in the library.
"Yes?" Hermione asked him, and he just smiled.
"I was wondering if you'd like to come to dance with me." Viktor spat out, slowly.
Hermione smiled then thought about it for a moment, "Yes. Why not." Hermione opened another book and Viktor just watched.
"Uh... Viktor... would you like to read a book?" Hermione asked since she didn't really like someone staring at her while she was reading.
"Uh sure." Viktor replied and grabbed a random book beside him. Hermione smiled seeing he was trying to impress her. She thought it was cute.
It was the night. Hermione had gotten a dress. Ron didn't think Hermione had a date but oh boy was she going to prove him wrong.
She grabbed her wand and pointed it at her hair, trying to control the bushy mess. Soon it stayed down after a few attempts and then she fixed it how she wanted it without magic.
Her dress was a periwinkle blue, and she loved it. She put in her ear rings, put on some lip gloss, and soon added some flowers and sparkles in her hair. She then smiled at herself in the mirror. Tonight was going to be her night. She was going to enjoy herself.
She walked down the steps, slightly smiling as she saw some heads turn towards her. Her best friend, Harry, quickly turned as well, and Hermione smiled and waved to him. "Harry!" She slightly yelled, glad to see him.
"Hermione! Your dress... you look beautiful." He said and that was enough to make Hermione smile.
"Harry, have you seen Ron?" Hermione asked, looking around for him, as she wanted to say hi to him too. Once she realized it was too late for that, she went to go find Viktor, bidding Harry goodbye.
Viktor was speechless. Hermione looked beautiful. Her dress. Everything.
"You- you look perfect." Viktor managed to stutter out, making Hermione giggle.
"And you look handsome." She said and then Viktor grabbed her hand and started walking her towards the back of the ballroom so they could walk in.
The Triwizard competitors and their dates had to walk in as an entrance. Several girls waved at Hermione and Hermione smiled and waved back.
Fred couldn't believe it. Hermione. She looked beautiful. Her dress brought out her chocolate brown eyes. He was left speechless. He waved at Hermione as a hello, just to see if she was still mad, and she glanced at him and didn't even wave. He frowned and then straightened himself up. This is what he wanted. He didn't want her to like him that way. He should be happy.
But he wasn't.
Why? Why wasn't he satisfied with the result? He couldn't only like Granger for her looks. That'd be low down and barbaric as she would say. He thought about it for a moment. Her bushy hair was beautiful, and he realized she hadn't wore it bushy and she still looked amazing. Her smile made his heart melt. Her attitude was apart of what made Hermione... Hermione. And her knowledge. She was so smart. So clever. And her determination. He loved that so much about her...her loyalty...
What was he doing? He had a date with him tonight. He couldn't. But Hermione looked so amazing. Now he wanted her. But he didn't understand this. He didn't want her a while ago. It only took a snap back to reality to realize what he was missing.
Viktor kissed Hermione's hand. She felt like a princess. She grabbed her head pretending like she had a tiara on and spun around laughing and smiling. She walked up to Harry and Ron who both looked like they wanted to leave.
"Hot in here isn't it? Viktor's gone to get drinks. Would you care to join us?" She asked, and grinned at both of them.
"No we wouldn't care to join you and Viktor." Ron spat out in an annoyed tone.
"What's got your wand in a knot?" She whispered to him.
"Nothing! Go back and hang with Viktor." Ron said and crossed his arms. Hermione's nostrils flared.
"What's that supposed to mean?!" She whisper shouted and glared at him. "He's just a friend!"
"He's got more than friendship on his mind." Ron muttered standing up.
"You're the one who wanted his autograph!" She yelled, "Why hate him all of a sudden?!"
"Because. He's too old for you. I'm just looking out for you." Ron said trying to defend himself.
"I think I know how to fend for myself! And too old?! I know how to take care of myself Ron!" She said following him, "I guess you know the solution don't you?!" She said, on the verge of tears.
"Oh yeah? What's that?" Ron muttered, still walking away.
"Next time there's a dance, pack up the courage and ask me before someone else does! And not as a last resort!" The tears were now swelling in Hermione's eyes.
"That's just completely off the point...Harry." He said, wanting to get out of there.
Harry soon came behind and Hermione turned towards him, "where have you been?! Never mind! Off to bed, both of you!" She yelled, wiping her eyes.
"They get scarier when they're older." Ron muttered and walked away with Harry.
Hermione ran up to him and stopped, "RON YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!" She yelled and then slopped down onto the stone steps and started crying. She didn't want to stay here. She needed to get back to the Common Room before Ron and Harry did. How could Harry not stand up for her?! Ron was wrong! She cried as she ran back for the Common Room.
Fred noticed this fight, and his date left him because he wouldn't pay attention to her. He was too busy focusing on Hermione. When Hermione left crying, Fred raced to the Common Room only to find her crying on the sofa in front of the fireplace alone, the fire reflecting off the tear stained cheeks. She quickly looked up at Fred. She looked like she wanted to say a mean thought towards him but she didn't. She acted like he wasn't even there.
"Granger.." Fred mumbled, sitting down next to her. "Ron is a git... you shouldn't have let him ruin your night.."
"How'd you find out about it?" She asked through tears. She wiped her face with her hand.
"I just saw it all go down...thought I should come check on you.." Fred frowned. He hated seeing her in pain.
"Why? As a sorry for what you did? I don't like you anymore so you should be happy!" Hermione yelled and then wiped her eyes again. The sparked in her hair were starting to fall out one by one.
"You're too beautiful to be in pain, Granger..." Hermione looked at him, not believing what she was hearing so she turned back to the fireplace. Fred grabbed her chin and faced it towards him, "You heard me correctly, Hermione... you're too beautiful to be in pain.."
Hermione had never heard him call her Hermione before. It was always 'Granger'. She could see him slowly leaning in before Neville came in through the door. Hermione his her face.
"I had fun...she danced with me... Ginny." Neville said and then walked upstairs towards the boys dormitories.
Hermione slightly smiled at Neville's actions and then Fred smiled as well, "Yay, she's smiling."
Hermione couldn't help it. She smiled some more.
"That's what I like to see." Fred stated before leaning in and slowly kissing her. Hermione thought it was heaven. It had to be. Fred did too.
Hermione pulled away and then smiled. Fred grabbed her hand.
"Hermione Jean Granger. I am so sorry for what I did. You are the best person I have ever met and if you'd let me be with you... I might just be the happiest boy alive."
Hermione giggled and then shook her head, "Yes! I will date you Fred Weasley!" She said then hugged him. Ginny had been waiting at the Portrait hole for them to finish their business. Once Hermione said yes, Ginny bursted in and clapped, "Yay! I mean... I understand if you're still mad at me, 'Mione..."
"Ginny! I've missed talking to you!" Hermione walked up to Ginny and hugged her. "I could never stay mad at you."
Ginny smiled at then hugged her back, then turned to Fred, "Treat her right big brother." She stated before heading up to bed.
Hermione turned to Fred, " about we go to the dance and have a little fun for ourselves?" She asked.
Fred shook his head, "No way Granger. I want to spend it right here alone with you." He said then stood up and grabbed her hand and twirled her, making Hermione smiled.
They both started dancing by the fire. She fire light making them both shine in the dark. Hermione laughed and soon she and Fred sat down. Hermione fell asleep with her head on Fred's shoulder. That was okay. Fred enjoyed it. She was adorable.

Okay I'm totally continuing this! What do you think? Comment down below! 💖

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2018 ⏰

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