"Man, I wish I had of come now. I could've made fun of how much of a lightweight Larissa is, to rub it in her make-up filled face," Liv muttered as I let out a laugh, pouring the hot water out of our jug. "Did you have any alcohol, miss "I don't drink that often", hm?"

"I didn't have any this time, actually. I had a few glasses of water."

Olivia laughed loudly, her hand smacking the countertop of the breakfast bar. "You had water? What kind of grandma are you? No wonder your nights out suck ass. Drinking water in a club of all places. Kaiya, are you seriously wishing your life away?"

"What's wrong with water?" I asked with a serious tone. I had turned to face her now, her mouth turning into a full-fledged smile like she was up to something. "I didn't feel like any alcohol, so I drank water instead. It was free, so I didn't have to pay for it."

She smirked gently. "Oh, so you're a grandma and a cheapskate? Who would've thought, Kaiya Westfall, a grandma in her twenties also got free water at a bar! I can see the headlines now."

I sighed gently. "Yeah, yeah, I'm a grandma. I didn't really want to go on the night out anyways, but you know how Larissa and Siobhan get when I don't go. All pissy at me and always make sure I know about it the next day. I only wanted to be here to watch the next instalment of Riverdale."

Before she could reply, my phone vibrated in my purse that was sitting on the countertop. I grabbed it, my phone being pulled out in a few seconds as I read over it. It was Harry, telling me to call him as soon as possible. I smiled gently as Liv seen my face. "Okay, what are you smiling at? Was that Harry? Oooh someone has a crush!"

"Zip it, Olivia. I don't have a crush on him nor will I, we're just friends."

I walked past her as she muttered, "That's what they all say," as I flipped her off, hearing her laugh behind me. I made it into my room, changing out of the tight dress I had and into my sweat pants and tank top that I normally wear to bed. My phone was in my hand as I dialled Harry's number, the ringing sounded a few times before I heard him pick up.

"Heyyyy Kaiyaaaaa," he greeted me as I heard the music in the background, I was confused as to why he had rang me when it sounded like he was at a party as well. "How's my best friaaaaand?" He slurred, I didn't realize he was drunk at all until he asked that. He didn't sound completely drunk, maybe just a little tipsy.

I cleared my throat before I spoke. "Harry, it's almost midnight, what are you doing?"

I heard a few guys call his name before he breathed into the phone. "I wanted to ask a favouur," he slurred again as I sighed incoherently. "Can you come pick meeeee up? Everyone else is drunk and," he stopped before he hiccupped, "I want to go home because I'm done being here."

Harry always called me when he needed rides, or just to hang out. It was odd how we met, he walked into the bookstore I was working at for the summer and he was looking for a book for his mum for her birthday. He kept coming back, just to talk to me before I gave him my number so he would stop asking for it. He was pretty funny, honestly. "Where are you?"

He burped loudly in the phone along with a hiccup to finish as I moved the phone away from my ear. "Liam's house, youuuu know where that is, riiiiight?"

"Yes, I do, I'm on my way now, okay?"

He muttered an "okayyyy" before he hung up. I grabbed my jacket, throwing it on myself as I walked out, Olivia engrossed in her television sitcom. I quickly grabbed my keys, my phone in my hand with my wallet as I went to leave. "Where are you going at this time?" I heard behind me as I sighed.

I turned around as she had turned down her sitcom and watched what I was doing. "Going to get Harry from a party, he called and asked if I could pick him up. Luckily, I drank water at the club otherwise I wouldn't have been able too. I won't be long, don't wait up," I told her as I went to leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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