I Know How To Swim

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You pushed me to the depth,
And I let myself sink down the sea of death
I badly wanted to breathe-
Just as how I want you so I took a grip

We were to end our lives together
Before you pushed me you swore to follow
I was ready for that sweet surrender,
Because nothing felt right than be with you

So I trusted,
And waited,
And endured,
Because you promised

Only to feel fooled,
And abandoned

You changed your mind at the last minute,
And didn't jump after me,
I thought you realized this life is not a waste
So I waited for you to save me.

But I was wrong
You wanted to live alone
You wanted that all along
And I foolishly fell into your words

I looked up to you painfully,

I saw your silhouette watching me drown
And that was the most deadly thing
I felt weak, I wanted to succumb
My dreams were all but delusions.

In that blue, serene and beguiling-
I was ready to offer myself wholly
I kept my eyes on the figure you've become-
The one who I never thought would put me in an endless chasm

The resonance of death filled my ears
Then suddenly it turned into a rhythmic sound
And with just a blink of an eye, you were lost in my sight
The shadow you casted was defeated by a glaring light

And that's when I realized
I don't need you or anyone to save me in this life
I fell not to die-
I fell to know how to be alive.

I know how to swim
So blinded that I forgot I can
I know how to swim
And I'll rise over and over again


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