"I wanted to speak to you about something," he put down his cup onto the wooden rectangular table and leaned in.

"Go ahead," I smiled and put down my cup as well, as I inhaled some of the coffee scented air that was floating around. Mm.

"About the killings," he said and my smile faded away.

"I think I know who's behind all this." he crossed his arms and leaned in some more.

Not him too.

"I wanted to speak to you about this cause, well, I knew you'd want to hear it. I was actually looking for you. Anyways, I think it's...Riddle." He whispered quietly into my ears.

"What makes you think so?" I questioned.

"What wouldn't make me think so! He's the most likely suspect!" He exclaimed looking at me as if I was mad to not believe what he was saying.

I stood up, knocking my chair back. I looked at him in his light blue eyes and back to the small white tablecloth rested on the wooden table.

I kept a promise to myself to do whatever it is to get closer to Tom, and that meant not arguing that he is guilty. To get to the core, I needed to keep myself away from speaking of this subject with anyone. He wants me to believe he is innocent... and I must act as if I believe him.

"I have to go, it's getting late anyways." I mumbled.

"What? It's like 3:00, in the AFTERNOON." his eyebrows rose as he emphasizes his last word.

"Uh, well I have to meet up with someone." I replied anxiously wishing I could be anywhere but there.

"Bye." I quickly let out as I turn and exit through the creaky wooden doors and enter the chilly outdoors. I felt so lame. Why couldn't I come up with a better excuse?! I need to seriously work on that.

I heard a faint 'bye' but didn't look back and kept walking towards the castle.


I quickly made my way back to the castle, and headed to the library.

I pressed against the large, cool wooden doors that lead into the library.

The doors swung open in a slow manner.

I stepped in without a peep as I tried to spot Tom before he spotted me.

I walked over to the series of shelves and stroll in the aisles. The library was deserted, no one was in here, especially since it's the holidays. Probably why Tom suggested it.

I've reached the end of the library with still no sign of Tom. Now I'm starting to think he ditched me.

The crackling of the warm fire still stood the only sound in the room. It was the only sound besides my own heavy breathing.

Yup. He totally ditched me.

I let out a deep long sigh as I look over at where the small fireplace stood one last time, making sure I hadn't missed any sign if movement. Very disappointed, I turned back around trying to find my way back to the entrance.

Suddenly I felt a cold rush of air swift past my face and immediately right after, a cool hand resting on my shoulder, and one wrapping around my waist, Holding me in place. Startled, I turned around to see a handsome boy with sleek wavy dark hair.

"Tom!" I gasped, placing my hand over my chest, as to stop my pounding heart to not pop out I my chest. His arms dropped back to his sides as I faced him.

"I was beginning to think you weren't going to come." He words were coated with sweetness. A certain sweetness that was very un-natural. I suppose this was his way of manipulation.

Falling for RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now