💚P O P - p o p - P O P 💚

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Another precious day arived in bubbles life as she awoke the next day to chatter down stairs .

Her pajamas consists of tight shorts and a tee shirt that was tight and short  she always wore clothes like this to bed .

She got up and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face and then empty her bladder.

She then slippeed on some fluffy duck sliplers that make noise with each stel she took she then put on a sheer silk blue robe and made her way down stairs thinking it was her father and sister conversating down there.

It then got quiet .

Bubble didnt pay attention  she just made her way into the kitchen yawning .

She took off  her robe and started making cereal looking around the kitchen  she saw no one and was confused .

Usally every one was in this erea before her father leaves and kisses them goodbye .

She took her cereal  and robe walking into the living room .

"Why are you gu-" she paused

The guys from the mall were in her living room her sisters with them .

Bubbles instantly ran up the stairs her ducks quacking with each step she felt exposed because of her clothes and didnt want to be seen .

Once at the top of the stairs she realized she dropped her robe .

Dang it .

"Bubbles get down here " blossom said .

"Umm no thank you " bubbles replied

"Dont make me come get you!" Buttercup yells making bubbles get to stepin she knew damn well that buttercup would get her .

She akwardly made her way to the couch with her sisters feeling the stares on her body .

She quickly sat and started eating her food to distract her self.

Blossom cleared her throat at bubbles silently telling her to say good moring .

"Good moring" she says with a mouthfull of cereal but not make eye contact with anyone

"Morning " most of them said and others gave her a head nodd sti checking her out .

"Dad left early today" buttercup says

"Did he say was can have guests?" Bubbles says know her father doesnt like people in his home .

Her sisters were silent making bubbles nervous.

"We can get into trouble ya know"bubbles starts

" the thing is we wont " blossom says

"How??" Bubbles replies

"Because youll keep your mouth shut "buttercup cuts in.

Bubbles instantly doesnt want to be apart of this and gets up finished with her cereal.

"Your gonna get caught either way ya know" bubbles says and goes to wash out her bowl and once she was making her way up the stairs she sees x .

Her heart jumps and she curves the stairs to go sit back on the couch .

" u-uh you might not get caught " bubbles says sitting  down waving at jahseh.  He waves back and smiles at her .

Another guy walks to bubbles and introduces himself because he thougbt she was cute .

" im wifi but you can call me isaiah "

Bubbles looks up from x and looks at the guy and instantly got nervous because he was also attractive .

"I-im bubbles" she stuck out a hand for him to shake but he pulled her up with ease and hugged her instead making bubbles squeal in surprise
Be felt around her body alittle but was keeping it on the low.

X watched and became lowkey jelous but keept calm and took note that wifi likes  her . 

Sorry vro but i saw her first

X thought in his mind .

Once they released from the hug she sits back on the couch blushing and her sisters smirking they didnt care this guy liked her if anything they wanted their sister to get her cherry popped .

blossom wanted ski and buttercup wanted coolie simple .

Wifi sat back in his original seat smirking seeing that he made her blush.

"Well what we gonna be doing today?"
Blossom asks the group.

"We where thinking about throwing a party at our place" ski says

"I dont go to partys" bubbles was quick to speak up.

" she more of a kid park person" buttercup says laughing.

"We could do that to" jahseh say making wifi look at him .

"yeah we could " wifi says lowkey suspicious of jahseh.

"♡really!!♡" bubbles says her eyes showing admiration for him.

"Yeah babygirl "

Her heart grew another size for that boy

"Woohoo im gonna go and get ready" bubbles shout and runs up stairs making alot of them try to see how the jiggle look like.

Her sisters slaped the guys neck.

"Where gonna still throw a party at least there right?" Buttercup asked .

" yes damn!" Ski says rubbing his neck after feeling the raft of blossoms hand .

♡back to bubbles♡

She was raiding her closet trying to find something good for the park .

I found something!

She pulled out a baby blue tight tshirt that said "POP" with a few bubbles around it and a black skirt  with some black knee highs socks she threw on some random black shoes and left her hair down swiping on some lip gloss she ran down the stairs .

"Ready!" She semi yelled .

And they staired .

"What?" her face dropped

" nothing lets go " wifi says grabbing ber hand and leading the way .

Sbe wanted x to grab her hand but this will do.

Pnce out side they pilled into the car bubbles climbed in not seeing all the seat where taken all three rows wbere full .once sbe finnaly realized she ploped down on her sister blossoms lap .

But blossom wasnt having it so she pulled bubble onto jahseh who was next to her lap .

bubbles let out an oof as she landed .

But then got stiff as a board when she relized sbe was on x's lap.


Once the car had everyone inside it took off down the  road while load music was blasting . The road wasnt even bumby just all of the guys in the car bumbing to the music made it seem that way .

Bubbles felt every uncomfortable because her skirt keept rising up .

In this moment she wished she wore some pant or at least brought a jaket to cover up.

Down the road they go ....




Im tired asf

Hope you like chapter two of this bitch

See ya♡.

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