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The next day Jisung woke up with Minho's arms wrapped around him. He snuggled closer to the older.

Minho was so pretty when he slept. Jisung wanted to kiss him. That reminded Jisung of the first time they kissed.

A blush spread across Jisung's face when he leaned in, pressing his lips against Minho's.

When he pulled back and opened his eyes he looked into Minho's eyes.

"Reminds me of our first kiss..." Minho mumbled and kissed the younger's nose.

Jisung felt his heart beat faster and his face just got redder. Minho made him so unbelievably nervous.

"You okay now?" Minho whispered in Jisung's ear.

Jisung nodded, not trusting his voice at all. He would probably just stutter if he spoke.

But Minho's question got him thinking, why wouldn't he be okay? Then he remembered yesterday.

Oh no. I broke his heart.

Jisung started shaking and grabbed Minho's collar. He began to speak but nothing made sense, so Minho shushed him.

"It's not your fault. Jisung, look at me." Minho whispered, stroking Jisung's hair.

Jisung wanted to look at Minho, but his sight was so blurry due to tears he could barely see.

Minho hugged Jisung tighter. For once Minho didn't hate Chan. Minho knew what Chan was going through. He'd gone through the same thing.

"It'll be okay Jisung." Minho said and kissed the younger.

Jisung heard what Minho said, but didn't believe it at all. Nothing was going to be okay.

But at least Jisung felt a little better after three hours crying his eyes out.

"You know, crying wont make anything better..." Minho said and sat up in the bed, running his hand trough Jisung's hair.

"I-I know." Jisung said, his voice unsteady.

"I'm gonna talk to Chan, don't worry." Minho said and kissed Jisung's forehead.

"Do you think he wants to talk to you?" Jisung snorted and wrapped his arms around his own body.

"No. But at least I know what he's going trough."


I'm a horrible person
I hope you don't hate me and that you liked the chapter
I don't have more to say, so
Bye friends

Princess ✿ MinsungDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora