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"I don't like Minho"

Jisung choked on his sandwich. He coughed for a long time before he could talk again.

"Excuse me? Can you repeat that?" Jisung asked, wondering why Chan said that.

"I don't like Minho. He keeps calling me Chang and he gives me these creepy vibes." Chan explained.

Jisung sighed. The headache from the fever was coming back. He had been sick for a whole week, only drinking the tea Chan made for him. And the only thing he had been thinking of was Minho.

But he wasn't here to think of Minho. He wasn't here to think of how soft Minho's lips felt against his, or how nice it felt falling asleep in Minho's arms.

He was here to do the task Chan gave him. And that was asking Chan's crush if he was single or not.

"So where do he live? Around the corner. Right?" Jisung asked, ignoring what Chan had said earlier.

They sat on a cafe near the boys house. Chan looked really nervous.

"Yes. Just ring the door bell and ask what you have to ask. It'll be fine." Chan said, though it sounded like he tried to convince himself more than Jisung.

Jisung nodded, finishing his sandwich. He had repeated what he were supposed to say a million times in his head, so it should be fine.

"I'll go now. Bye Chan." Jisung said, smiling at the boy in front of him.

"Bye princess." Chan answered.

Jisung nodded and walked out of the cafe, feeling weird. He didn't like when Chan called him princess. It remembered him way to much of Minho.

Jisung didn't want to think about Minho. He had better things to do. But his thoughts were yet only about Minho.

Jisung hurried to the front door of the house the boy lived in. The door was painted black and the curtains in the windows were also black.

He quickly pressed the door bell, waiting for someone to open. He was curious about how the boy would look.

Then the door suddenly opened. Jisung looked down into a pair of pretty brown eyes.


Hi friends :)
I hope you liked the chapter :)
And who do you think Chan's crush is?
I think you'll be able to figure it out
Well, I don't have anything more to say
:))) bye

Princess ✿ MinsungNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ