Part 4 (Brothers)

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*Bendy's POV*

Me and Cup was continue dancing and I'm just following his dance moves, Its kinda easy and hard too...This Famouse guy was my first friend and my trusted friend... But... Is he really my real friend?

"BENDY!!!" Someone calls my name and I look at the entrance and saw my little brother wolf 'Boris' but his not alone came out, there's a guy whose wearing the jacket color blue and he was like cuphead

Boris rushes to me and hugs me and I hug back "You really miss me that much bro? " "Yeah! " Boris tail wags and nodes excitedly and he turn his head to Cuphead who was drinking water right now "Wait a minute" Boris looks at the Blue cup guy and ask "Is his your brother? " The blue Cupguy noded and walks to Cuphead

"Cuppy! " He hugs Cuphead and Cuphead hugs back "So how is or going Mugs? " "Its kinda fun" I realize the Blue cuphead guy name was Mugs, I staring at them "So he was your brother?" Cuphead look at me and Noded "Yes he is my Bro" He put his arms around Mugs and Smiles at him and Mugs smiles back

"What took you so long bro? " I ask Boris and he look at me and Sigh "Well, Me and Mugs just got talked with a Creepy teacher..." I Look at Boris and then look at Mugs too "Wait, So you guys were classmates? " I look surprised and a little confuse

Boris Smiles and Hugs Mugs with a smile "Ofcource! We were Classmates and Bestiess! " Boris smiles and Mugs Giggles, Cuphead look at them and Laughs and same as I do it too "Okay since our brothers were here should we go home? " Cups put his hand around me and I noded and smiles "Yeah! Sure!" Cups removes his hand on me and we start to walk home

while we walking it was kinda having some awkward silence and any minute, Cuphead broke the silence "Wheres your home anyway Bends? " Cuphead walking straight while me Looked at him "W-well Uhm its almost there anyway" "Oh, okay" Cuphead looks at me while smiling and me looking at his hair that so fluffly

"What are you looking at Bendy? " Cuphead Noticed it and u look away "N-nothing!" I'm getting more shy if his Looking at me... Oh gosh Bends why... It was like I'm having crush on him a little bit.... I look at Cuphead and he is still looking at me then he look back at his way quickly

This is so.... Awkward moment seriously...

"Welp, Our home was here, good bye Cups! Bye Mugs! " I wave at them and Boris do the same , Mugs Looked surprised and Cups looks shocked "Woah, Cool! " Cups smiled and we Brothers was confuse "What? " We both Boris said that "I didn't expect we were Neighborhoods" Cuphead smiles and I shocked "Wait, wa.... "I'm really confuse, Cuphead laughs and he Pointed the house next to us "that is our home actually" my eyes Sparks and Look on their house, wow that's make me surprise

"maybe we can walk together on School Sometimes" Mugs Smiles, This guy really such a nice person... But I think Boris and Him have a same Attitude, I Noded and Boris Grabs my hand going in the front door of our house, Cuphead smiles and got Dragged by his brother they start walking on their home

I felt I'm having a crush a little at Cuphead

*Le Timeskip Brought you by the little dancing Demon*

*Third Person*

"wow dude! that's so cool! I can't believe the cup bros was our next Neighbors! " Boris wags his tail while Bendy was Cooking dinner for them "Yup, I know right". Boris goes in at the kitchen and start to sniff the air and its coming from Bendy's cooking, he come closer to Bendy and Hugs Bendy from the back "That's a good smell bro! " Boris Hugs him more

Bendy Smirked and look at Boris "Bro, Let me go for a minute I can't cook properly" Bendy starts to pats Boris head signaling him to let go and then Boris Stares at Bendy with a cute puppy face "But I wanna hug my Best bro" Bendy Giggles and start to hug back at his little brother then he kissed Boris forehead "Okay bro, But you won't taste the delicious food if you start disturbing me on cooking"

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