Why haven’t I used my powers yet? Does electricity even work against rock? There’s only one way to find out in the end.

Not even sure if how to control my powers, I tighten my backpack so that the straps are basically digging into my skin under my thin jacket.

I make noise while I run. No, not noise. I make a racket, attracting attention easily.

My plan works as a gargoyle places itself in front of me. I shut out my mental screaming. Its defined mouth curves into something that almost looks like hunger for violence. I ready my palms, closing my eyes.

Electricity. Electricity. Come on. Electricity.

Excited, I feel something flowing through me. All the way from my arms to my palms. I open my eyes. A bright light flashes. A bright light flashes from my open hands. At first, I’m blinded. I examine my damage nervously.

The gargoyle staggers back, shaking its head like something’s bothering it. Did I hurt it? Is it hurt? Did I do nothing at all?

“Oh my God,” I whisper to myself as it stops shaking its head. Now it’s angry.

Jumping to my side quickly, I feel the gargoyle’s horn lick my skin, ripping my jeans. Hissing in pain, I bite my lip. There’s no way I can punch this thing. I would break my hand instead. When I hit it with my electricity before, it looked bothering and didn’t fight back until after a few seconds. Maybe if I zap it enough, I could stall it, and run to where Jordan is. There’s no possible way I can beat this thing, I think as I throw my backpack to the side.

The wretched thing is only a few feet away from me. I force bolts and bolts of electricity from my shaking hands. Prepared for the light, I close my eyes and pray I’m doing the right thing. And I shoot. I don’t feel as if I hit anything.

Leafs rustle from behind me.

Suddenly, an enormous pain etches up my back as I wail like a dying deer. Fighting to keep my eyes open, the pain worsens in my back. The gargoyle’s carving its horns into my back. I twist eagerly in pain and rip myself free from the horns of the devil.

Blood stains the gargoyles horns. If only I kept my backpack protecting my back. But I know there’s no time to regret.

Minimal blood seeps from my back before the bleeding ultimately stops. The gargoyle didn’t actually go too deep into my back. But just deep enough to have me falling to my knees, brushing my fingers over my wounds.

The gargoyle stares at me as if saying it’s ready for round two.

Impulsively, I grab my backpack viciously and fling it onto the damned creature’s head. Not waiting to see if I hit it or not, I dash.

I’m basically limping while running. My back seizes in pain. Keep on running. Just keep on going.

A huge crash on my stomach. The fog is so thick I actually bumped into a gravestone. Straight line, Tristen. Remain running in a straight line.

Panting, I manage to reach a human figure. I make out the features of the person then pout in relief.

Puddles are formed underneath my soaked shoes.

“Cliff, it may be following me,” I warn him, my nostrils flaring, my hair covered in sweat, rain, and mud. He first looks solemn then orders me to stand beside him.

“What the hell happened to your back?”

“Nothing, just watch out. Where’s Jordan?”

“Your back!”

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