Part 4 "Who to trust?"

Start from the beginning

"Hey guys." Yoshiki blurted out as he entered the room. Everyone ignored him. An embarrassed expression now lay on his face. I saw Satoshi look and smile at Naomi. I felt jealous even though Naomi said she had feelings for me. I felt my hand tighten into a fist, I immediately forced myself to relax. I had never felt like this before, was I feeling perturbed by this. I went to my seat in the classroom and sat down, crossing my arms and burying my head into them. I hear a scraping noise on the floor coming closer towards me. I look over my arms and find the class rep pulling her chair towards me. When her chair is in a suitable position to sit at my desk, she places her elbows onto my desk and lays her chin atop of her hands, looking down at me as if she had something to say. She took a prolonged sigh. "What's the matter Seiko?" She spoke in a worried tone. I gazed at her before turning away to answer. "Nothing, just tired." I lied trying to make it sound believable but I could tell in her eyes that she knew that it was a lie. She glared at me and opened her mouth to say something but quickly shut it then opened it again. "This isn't like you, Seiko, I know you and you aren't like this normally, I'm not oblivious to your expressions, there is something wrong, isn't there?" She said in a soft tone. Ayumi was the type of person that could tell if anything was wrong or out of place just by looking.

I couldn't tell her what I just felt a few moments ago and I couldn't tell her I was jealous. Maybe she saw my reaction to Mochida smiling at Naomi and if she did, then what. "Jealously." She spoke with no expression. That word was powerful enough to put shivers down my spine only because I was feeling it. I looked at her with confusion but she ignored it. "Its not that, not at all." I argued. Naomi shouted my name from across the classroom, I got up to leave but Ayumi stopped me in my tracks, She stood up and moved her head towards my ear. I didn't expect this from her. "Its Satoshi, isn't it?" I was terrified by how she knew. Was it that obvious, what was to happen if everyone knew? My heart began racing fast. I didn't know what to do. I stood there in silence. Ayumi took this time to whisper in my ear again. "No one else will know, you can trust me." She reassured me. How was I to react in this position? Can I really trust her?

"Seiko, come here." Naomi called impatiently. I quickly remembered what I was going to do before Ayumi stopped me. Naomi called me over for something. Ayumi locked her eyesight on me, I felt very uncomfortable. I quickly walked over to Naomi whilst still having Ayumi's eyes targeting me. Naomi grabbed me by the hand and sat me down on her chair, She then parked herself on her desk in front of me "I saw Ayumi talking to you for a while, you ok?" She asked worriedly. "I'm fine just having a chat that's all." I said in a reassuring tone. She stared at me with worried eyes and I couldn't help but to stare back, Naomi grinned at me. She looked behind us and to the sides before slowly grabbing my other hand and placing it in hers. I start to think about what the class rep said, will she tell anyone and how can I be sure to believe her? Its the end of school hours now and so we pack up ready to leave. I take longer than expected and so Naomi waits for me, it also appears that everyone has gone.

I put my bag on my shoulder and leave the classroom only for Naomi to tug on my shoulder strap. "Hmm...What is ahh.." Naomi, without realising has me pinned to the locker but without a lot of force. What is she doing? I ask myself. She looks me in the eyes and plants her lips firmly on mine, interlocking them both. Knowing myself and what I wanted, I go faster and she soon gets the hint. We both stop for air and grin at each other. We continue and I hear a voice escape her mouth, quiet moans followed after that. We were suddenly interrupted by something large dropping, to my immediate reaction, I quickly turned my head towards the noise. It was too dark to see because of the weather outside and no lights on in the school, I said to myself this morning that the weather might get better throughout the day, I hear the patters of rain above us. I see a figure standing just outside our classroom. "Wh...who are you?" After I asked my question, the figure fled leaving the fallen object, I stood there speechless, not knowing what to say after that. "I'm so sorry." I apologised to Naomi, her face was wide with disbelief and she turned to look at me. "Its not your fault, Seiko, please don't blame yourself." She walks closer to me and hugs me, we stand there for the next few minutes until we decide to walk home. as we walk, I kick something large. It was too dark to tell what it was, so I took out my phone and shone the light on it, It must have been the object that the figure left. it was an abnormally large P.E bag. "Look." Naomi points at something on the bag and I shine my phone on it. It appeared to be a name tag, we look closer only for us to be completely shocked. We stared in horror at the name. We exchanged looks. "Could it be possible that they saw." I answered in my most honest response.

"Naomi...I don't know."

Hey guys, thank you for reading, part 5 will be in working progress as soon as possible, hope this was ok too. I didn't know what to think of this one myself, I would really like it if you could possibly give me some feedback, I would be very grateful and thanks again.

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