I rushed upstairs and looked for my work attire for tomorrow. the uniform was black, anything as long as it was casual and black. I settled for a turtleneck long-sleeved top and black jeans that I would pair with my black converses. I hoped it wasn't too casual. Before I had the chance to iron them, a sudden smash had caught my attention. The sound of glass falling, to be precise.

My heart dropped when I realised I had left my cup on the porch outside. I neglected all logical decisions in my head and rushed downstairs. I suspected the wind had toppled it over, or some kids had accidentally dropped it.

What I didn't expect was a young brown-haired man, with round glasses resting on the bridge of his nose, to be stood right outside my door holding my cat in his arms.

"Uhm, excuse me, uh..." He nervously handed me Kitty, as I slowly and suspiciously took her from his hands.

"I'm sorry, but I was passing by and noticed your cat had toppled that cup over. I figured I should let you know just in case she... uh, you know. Stepped over the glass."

I noticed his gaze drop to my blue fuzzy slippers and a small smirk appeared across his face.

"But you didn't knock," I said, watching his confused glance.


"You said you wanted to let me know my cat had broken the cup, but you didn't knock."

I held Kitty in one arm and pet her with the other since she seemed restless.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

Suddenly the green-eyed boy's expression grew curious. I found this whole situation strange. Kitty couldn't reach that table, especially since she was unable to use one of her back legs, jumping had always been difficult for her. I somehow knew that she hadn't broken that cup.

"You sure you were just passing by?" I asked as Kitty purred in my arms. I stroked her head as she fell into my chest.

He watched her and tilted his head, stepping back and running a hand through his hair.

"A thank you would have sufficed but I guess that'll do."

He turned around and looked at the glass pieces on the floor.

"You might wanna be careful with those."

I opened my mouth to say something back but he began to walk away. It was five minutes later, after I had cleaned up the mess Kitty had made that I grew increasingly curious as to how it had broke. I had never seen that male around my neighbourhood and I pretty much knew everyone around here. A face like that couldn't go unnoticed, if I was completely honest.

The rest of that evening, I questioned whether I should have acted the way I did and should have just expressed my gratitude. After all, if it was the wind that caused the cup to fall, the situation would have seemed right. But the young man had mentioned that Kitty broke it, which I couldn't wrap my head around.

Whilst I took a shower, I made a mental promise to myself to analyse a situation better next time, just so that I don't end up growing into an old, rude hag who sees the worst in everyone.


22nd December, 2018


My alarm had been going off for twenty minutes and it was a great struggle for me to not make that snooze button my best friend. I had grown close to that button, too close.

Turning off my alarm after the seventh time it had gone off, I ambled out of bed and headed for the bathroom. This job had better be worth the turmoil of awaking on an early Monday morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2018 ⏰

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