glitchy's story, part two

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She carried Jack in the bag everywhere she went. She would mostly treat him like a living being. She would even sleep with him, and he was in fact real... But she was the only one who could see him

"Let's go play! " Glitchy said to the toy. It seemed to turn black, with two white glowing eyes, and a big grin.  'Alright glitchy, let's go play. ' it said. He would always be there for her... Always...

As she played with him, the more energy he got from her negativity. When she would cry, he'd get more energy. When she would be sad, upset, or depressed, he would grow stronger.  One day, when she got older, jack had persuaded her to turn to her dragon form. As she did so, a man had seen her. He kidnapped glitchy, locked her up, and beat her...  He had even left a wound on her spine from his sword that he had given to his son, Marco. Everyday she struggled to break out of the chains around her neck and wrists.

One day, she had gathered enough strength to break out of the chains, that very same night, however, she had bitten the man on the neck while being in her dragon form.  Her multiple, sharp, thick teeth had dug into the flesh of his neck. After she had escaped, she found her dear jack. Her mom was in tears when she had seen glitchy, her dad however, just looked at her, and patted her head. This left glitchy devastated, that her dad didn't care about her. One year later, she had decided to destroy her own soul. When she pulled it out, a majority of it was black and cracked. 'Go ahead, he won't care, no body will' she summoned a spiked bone and shot it through her soul, leaving her laying on the floor, nearly dead.

A few weeks later, she had woken up in a hospital. "We don't know how, or who has it, but two shards of her soul is still remaining... Whoever has it is keeping them  alive. " The doctor said.  Glitchy was sure she knew who had it.  Jack and Marco. The were the ones with them indeed. "We suggest she takes these pills to stay healthy, and stay in this form.. " The doctor said. "And keep her away from sharp objects, she may hurt herself" And with that, the doctor left.

A few months later, glitchy had run away from home, she hated her dad, she didn't want her mom worried anymore, and she didn't want to live like this. On the way to a new house, she stumbled along a little ball of fur... But that ball of fur was a kid, she looked around. No body is here.. She decided to stay with the little kid, keeping her warm in her sweater. A few hours go by... Nothing... Glitchy had decided to take the child home with her.

A few months later, she had made really good friends, Aqua, Marco, Kono, and Clair. Though, Marco had become jealous of kono, who had a slight crush on glitchy. Marco invited kono into his house, where he had killed him with the sword his dad gave him. Glitchy had gone to Marco's house the next day, but what she saw terrified her. She saw the mangled body of one of her best friends on the floor. She ran away as fast as she could. A few months later, Aqua had deleted herself, leaving glitchy with her adopted child, dorphine. Glitchy had had auto phobia, a fear of being alone, but Jack didn't help this, however. He would whisper nasty, ugly things to her, making her more and more depressed.

"That's enough!  I'm done! " Glitchy said to herself in the mirror. She looked at her arms, they had scratches and cuts all over them. She took the scissors and cut her hair. She looked at herself.  "I'm... Look like.... A different person.. " She liked her new hair. Though she could never get the one cuff off of her neck, she learned to live with it.

AND THAT IS THE END OF GLITCHY'S BACKSTORY, of course, she had killed other people, like guards who had tried to capture her.  But yea, that's basically it!  Word count; 719

A BIT ABOUT MY OCsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora