The Nightmare

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I was in a beautiful medow by a spring with my Pegasus Daemon on a hill nearby. There were fairies flying everywhere dancing in the floweres, and giving the seen a magical feel. I looked in the water and saw a shadow looming over me, but the water was suddenly too cloudy for me to see who- or what it was. Slowly turning around, I saw something that made me freeze.The fairies had stopped playing and took the form of a new thing- Gabe. 'This isn't real' I thought to myself. Not-Real-Gabe raised a whip and hit me. I screamed so loud I'm sure they heard me in olympud. He kept doing it till I was just as bruised up as I used to be after the beatings. As I lay there, I could have sword I heard a faint whisper "This is only the beginning" in an almost sinister way
__________Dream End________________

Apollos P.O.V

Sience gods don't need sleep, I just lay down in bed thinking. Mostly about whether or not I should ask her out... her birthday was next week... Then I heard it.

        At first it was a small whimpering, but as I got to the door, She screamed. Opening the door, I saw her thrashing in the bed. Making my way over to her, I shook her shoulder but she wouldn't wake up. Suddenly I got an Idea.sliding into bed next to her, I put her head on my bare chest and wrapped my arms around her, whispering comforting things.

        Her screams died into whimpering till she awoke, finding herself snuggled into apollo.tilting her head upward so she was facing apollo, her eyes asked a silent question. "Nightmare" he wispered, enchanched by her sparkling green eyes. They found themselves leaning in....

     Blinking, Thals leaned her head back before rolling out of his embrace. "Goodnight" she muttered, leaving a stunned sun god. No one had ever resisted kissing him! How could this one girl, heroine or not, resist his charms! Shaking his head like a dog shaking of water, he snapped out of those thoughts. And with that, he fell asleep, but not before thinking, This girl is gonna be the end of me.

Thalissa P.O.V

I woke up around Ten and yawned, streching, till my hand felt a note on the pillow.

Hey sleeping beauty
    First off, Haha! This time you can't say a comeback cuz I'm not there! Second off, meet me in central park at 12. Were having a picnic!
                  Sincerely, the best god

s, no this isn't a joke,
    You really do get to
    Spend the day with
    Awsome me!

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