wyatt stared at jaeden as a lady took care of him.

long, endless highway
you're silent beside me
drivin' a nightmare i can't escape from

seconds felt like minutes; minutes felt like hours. wyatt couldn't lose him.

helplessly praying
the light isn't fading

eventually, they arrived.

hiding the shock and the chill in my bones

wyatt wanted to follow them—to follow jaeden. he wanted to know if he was okay. but they wouldn't let him.

he stood hopelessly in the middle of the hallway.

they took you away on a table

wyatt slowly sat down in the waiting area, tears blurring his vision. he covered his mouth with his hand, leaning forward.

— hours later; 4am —

he hadn't managed to fall asleep. he tried, but the scene of finding jaeden in the bathtub replayed in his head.

i pace back and forth as you lay still

"jaeden lieberher?" a nurse walked into the waiting room. wyatt stood up eagerly and she smiled softly at him. it was almost sad.

he approached her. "what is your relationship with this patient?"

wyatt knew how this went. if he was family, they can tell you what's going on, but if you're not related to him, then you have to wait.

"i'm his brother."

she observed him unsurely. he noticed. "step. step-brother."

"okay, well, jaeden is currently in a coma. we don't know the approximate time he will wake up, but when we find out, we will be sure to let you know. would you like me to guide you to his room?"

"yes, please." he followed her to the i.c.u (intensive care unit).

the i.c.u is basically the area in hospitals where the patients in the most crucial condition stay in. my mum was there when she had her operation. she nearly died.

the nurse explained some more things to wyatt and opened the door. and there jaeden's lifeless body laid.

[pretend his eyes are closed and there's no one surrounding him]

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[pretend his eyes are closed and there's no one surrounding him]

"jaeden, oh my god." wyatt walked over to the hospital bed as tears escaped his eyes. he quickly wiped his eyes, remembering there was someone else present in the room.

i pull you in to feel your heartbeat

he turned to the woman, who sighed. "i'm deeply sorry for what's happened. i know how hard it is for you when a loved one takes their own life. whether they succeed or not."

wyatt nodded, gazing at jaeden. she rested her hand on his shoulder. "he'll be fine. he'll fight for you."

"i hope." wyatt sighed. the nurse walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

can you hear me screaming
please don't leave me

wyatt wiped another tear that spilled down his cheek. he hated seeing jaeden in the condition he was in. but what could he do other than pray that jaeden would come back?

[rest of the song]

hold on
i still want you
come back
i still need you
let me take your hand
i'll make it right
i swear to love you all my life
hold on
i still need you
i don't wanna let go
i know i'm not that strong
i just wanna hear you
baby, let's go home
let's go home
yeah, i just wanna take you home
hold on
i still want you
come back
i still need you

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄𝐒; 𝘑𝘠𝘈𝘛𝘛Where stories live. Discover now