IMAGINE: Gerard talking to you at Barns and Nobles

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Request; could you write about me meeting Gerard at Barnes and Nobles please?

(A/N: They don't have Barns and Nobles where I live so as far as I'm aware it's a book store right?)

You loved this place; the smell of the books, the tinkle of the bell when the door opened, the quiet yet kind customers browsing the shelves, the friendly smiles of the staff and most of all, the books themselves.
You were a shy and quiet person, and you loved to read. Your favourite was fantasy, although you were secretly a sucker for fairytales. It just made you so excited and happy when you read about these interesting characters living their interesting lives, you got to know them and felt what they felt, hoped what they hoped and hated what they hated. They were like your friends which weren't your average friends who you could have countless adventures with, not to forget dreaming of your very own handsome prince to come whisk you away also.
You sighed as you shut the door behind you, this was definitely your favourite place. It was only a small outlet in the small town you lives in, but in your opinion it was better than all the large commercial Barns and Nobles stores in the cities - this one had a brilliant atmosphere plus all the people who worked and visited here were lovely.
Last time you'd been here there'd been this guy who'd caught your attention, he'd been about average height with bright red hair and slightly feminine features. You were pretty sure he hadn't been here before, after all you would surely have noticed his hair wouldn't you? Much to your surprise you found yourself thinking of the redhead as you smiled to the workers and nodded at a few regular customers, you sorta wanted to speak to him but were way too shy.
You pushed the thoughts from your mind as you ran your fingers across the spines of the books, looking for a good one to try. There were a few which caught your eye but one in particular stood out, you picked it off the shelf and read the blurb then began to examine it. Whilst you were doing that a man came to walk in front of you, you moved backwards to let him through and stepped onto someone's foot.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" You exclaimed and looked up to see who it was, your heart leapt when you saw it was the redhead.
"No no, it's fine, I was just trying to find the courage to talk to you but I guess I've had a change of plan now" he smiled shyly and you felt your stomach seem to flip.
"Oh, well, I'm y/n, are you new here?" You smile widely, trying to ignore the fluttering in your gut caused by nerves.
"I'm Gerard," he replied, "I've was here a few days ago but I'm new to the area, where I used to live there was a shop similar to this one and I loved it."
"Well it's great to meet you, Gerard, and welcome to the store!" You looked up at him, unsure how to carry on.
"It's great to meet you too!" Gerard laughed then gestured at the sofa over the other side of the shop, "Shall we?"
"Sure thing!" You nod and follow him over.
The two of you sit on the sofa for the next two hours chatting about yourselves and your interests in literature, the book lies forgotten beside you. Gerard seemed like a great guy, he was two years older than you, into the same authors and you found he only lived two streets away from you!
"I should probably be going now." You say reluctantly after a while.
"Yeah me too," he says, "I could walk back with you if you want?"
"That'd be lovely, thanks." You smile and feel your cheeks heat up a little.
The two of you pay for books then leave the shop, the walk back goes quickly and soon enough you are standing outside your house.
"It was really nice meeting you, Gerard." You say as you face each other.
"Yeah you also, y/n, I'd like to see you again sometime maybe? Like out with the store." Gerard replies and you feel your heart jump again.
"I'd love that!" You smile back and Gerard blushes.
"By the way, I think you're phone's broken," Gerard smiles mischievously at you, "It doesn't have my number in it."
You shake your head whilst smiling but willingly hand him your phone, he adds his number to it then you part with a short hug. You stand smiling once he's left, a million thoughts racing through your head but the most prominent one making you smile.
Who says handsome princes have to wear armour and ride horses?

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