Chapter Two: Prey

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"Because I'm a lone wolf." The second I said that my mind turned into its own little world. Something took over my thoughts and movements. My head darted pain waves throughout my whole body. Groaning, I held my head in agony. "N-Nick? Nick, are you alright!?" Calum seemed worried as he rested his hand on my shoulder. "I...I'm fine. Lets get to class." Groaned as I released my head from my shaky grip. 

That has never happened to me before. Never. I wonder what happened to me? Maybe just a horrible migraine? Well, whatever it was, its done for now. I watched as Calum's face grew more and more worried as the day went by. It went by painfully slow, but thats just everyday I guess. Why was he worried? We pretty much had every class together besides Chemistry and Math class, so it wasn't like he was worried about being alone. I accidentally sighed aloud as I rested my head in my hands. Calum sitting beside me was worrying once again. Really, all I did was sigh? 

He shouldn't worry about me...At least not in my human form. I was lost inside my own thoughts again as the bell rang to release us. "Um, Nick?" Calum stood from his seat as I still sat in mine. I never answered. I stayed silent as I stood. "Nick, are you alright?" He asked softly. I growled and turned away as I walked out. He followed like a curious but worried puppy. "I'm fine Calum. Now leave me be." I didn't feel right and thats usually a sign to get the heck out of people's sight. I scurried my way out of the building not caring if there was another 45 minutes left of school. The only thing I really cared about was getting out and letting no one see my true form.

At this age I couldn't really control my other form and thats the scary part. I have to learn to control it. I hate it but I can't help it sadly. I never knew my mother but I knew my father was the pack leader until he died. He just past a few weeks ago and of course being the selfish beast that I am, I ran off. I don't want to be the leader! I am not the right kind! Plus, everyone hates me there and probably wouldn't respect me!

I slowed down but started panicking. That aching in my head started up again and all I could do was groan to myself as I attempted to rush to the woods. I needed food. More preferably flesh. I sniffed the crisp air for any sign of living meat. I caught onto a strong scent near by. I felt my fangs grow sharper as my eyes glowed a deep yellow. My claws soon became visible as I lunged towards the scent. It smelt like it was across the park and past a creek, which obviously wasn't a problem for me. I ran through the sidelines of the now darkened park and rushed through the chilly water as my now dirty clothing soaked in a little muddy water. 

Running towards the scent I felt my eyes widen as I recognized the scent. I couldn't stop in enough time. I ran right into my prey. I felt him topple over as I landed and growled over and on top of the innocent boy. My eyes widened in guilt and worry. He groaned slightly as he lifted his head, holding it in pain as he opened his eyes. I stayed put in fear. "N-Nick...!?" He started to freak a little as I moved away from him. "W-Wait, Nick! Hold on, what are you-" He reached for me as I jumped back and growled. I hid in the darkness; eyes still glowing a gold glow. He shakily stood as he kept his eyes on me and his arm reached out to me. "Nickalous...Is this you?" He asked calmly. I forced a small growl as I was ready to run. "Nick, No! Please don't go." He stepped closer to me, obviously a little scared and jumpy. 

"Please...Step out from the light. I want to see you and you know that I hate the darkness. I am not going in there to get you." Calum said a little firmly. He reached his hand out to me shakily. I whined silently as I stepped backwards. "No...I am a monster who could've killed you instantly Calum." I stated. "Nick, please come out. I'm not going to tell anyone what you are. I just want to see you again." He said, trying to ignore the fact that I almost murdered him with my own teeth and claws. "You want to see the beast I've been fighting for so long? You really are asking to be killed you know that right Calum...?" 

I step out from the darkened part of the trees and reveal my half beast-like form. 

Heh, I am so evil! I can't do a story without giving ya' guys a big ol' cliffhanger  >:3

But lemme know what you think Calum's reaction would be to Nicks reveal! I will also take some character requests! I am pretty much looking for some females but some males would be great to!!!

Sorry, Love you guys! <3

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