Chapter 1

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".... And they all lived happily ever after. The end!" Read Joanne to her daughter. But, Lilly-Anne didn't like fairy tales. Therefore, she screamed loudly. She was only 3 years old so how could she understand?

Ever since a baby, Lilly-Anne knew that her family was incomplete but she didn't know how until she was five. This was because her mother, Joanne, explained to her that her father ran away leaving her behind. Lilly-Anne had to know the truth, although she found out at a very young age.

Lilly-Anne thought that true love never existed and fairies were faux. Starting from a very young age, Lilly-Anne had an instinct of hating and disbelieving in fairy tales. She wouldn't believe in Santa, tooth fairies, elves, Cinderella and many other fairy tales.

Lilly-Anne and her twin sister, Mia just started nursery. Mia was very excited to make new friends but Lilly-Anne didn't like to mingle with others. She preferred to stay alone in her own world. Lilly (for short) often stayed in the corner of the classroom. She was a quiet child.

Mia and Lilly were the total opposite of each other; Mia liked pies and sweet things. Whereas, Lilly hated them but preferred eating dull and bland food. Also, Mia loved playing with dolls and other girly things. While, Lilly preferred staying in a dark room filled with no atmosphere.

One day, Joanne took Lilly to many highly qualified doctors to see why she was like this but nobody knew. Joanne wanted to find the reason to why Lilly was surrounded in her own world, not caring for others, doing things that didn't suit her personality. Therefore, she took Lilly to a renowned therapist, Dr. Gems.

Dr. Gems examined Lilly in full and came to the result that she was diagnosed with depressanemitact. This condition applies to being depressed from birth as a series of incidents have caused anxiety and sadness to the mother. This only affected Lilly as she was born first and experienced her mother's pain. Mia was born after several minutes and stayed in an incubator for 2 weeks.

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The word depressanemitact is made up by the author and is not actually a disease or illness.

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