Start from the beginning

The note gave no clue as to who gave Harry the cloak. Hope looked at the paper again before speaking, "I recognise the handwriting, but I can't put my finger on who it belongs to." The couple spent about five minutes debating who James Potter could have trusted enough to give such a valuable possession. In the end, James wasn't particularly close to anyone; he was paranoid about everything and only truly trusted the Marauders and Lily. "It wasn't Sirius, Pettigrew is dead, and the only other remaining marauder is Remus Lupin. I know him he would have just given you the gift, or he would have at least told you it was him."

"I don't think we're going to work out," Harry spoke after a while, "why don't you just open your last present." Harry grabbed a small cuboid shape from the back of the Christmas tree. A thin tartan ribbon was tied in a pretty bow on top of the box, which Hope carefully undid. Before opening the pale blue lid, revealing a simple bow-shaped ring encrusted with small sparkling diamonds. The band sat perfectly on her right-hand ring finger, and the light from the sunrise pouring through the church-style window caught on the gems creating a prism of colours to appear on the floor below her. "It's beautiful; who's it from?"

"Headmaster Dumbledore," Hope responded, fondly glancing at her ring and starting to trust the Headmaster slightly more than she did before. "Do you want to go see Hagrid? I'm sure he's lonely given that most of the teachers have gone home for the holidays. I think he mentioned something about Fang going to the vets after eating half-a-tree in the Forbidden Forest?" Harry gave a positive response, and the pair left the common room and made their way to Hagrid's hut.

* * * * *

Harry and Hope found themselves back in the common room, eating their sweet treats after a light lunch at Hagrid's hut. Harry occasionally attempted to play a tune on the hand-carved wooden flute that Hagrid had given him for Christmas (although it sounded awful because Harry had never played the flute before). "I'm happy you stayed; this is the first Christmas I've actually enjoyed." Harry spoke, chewing on a 'Bertie Bots Every Flavoured Beans' before frowning harshly when the thick taste of horseradish filled his mouth.

"Me too, this is the best first Christmas I could have ever asked for. Thank you," Hope responded. Her cheeks burned brightly as she gazed into Harry's soft eyes, which were bursting with warmth and something else that Hope couldn't identify. "I just wish my dad was here," Hope murmured, trying to speak quietly so Harry wouldn't hear. She failed, and Harry's smile dropped into a sympathetic grimace. Harry opened his mouth to respond; however, Sophia interrupted. Flying through the window, she dropped a small parcel in Hope's lap. Before perching on her owner's arm and allowing her to remove the letter tied to her ankle before flying out the window. Hope unrolled the letter, praying that it was from her father as it had been almost two months since she had sent her last message, and she had been worried about Sirius.

To my Darling Daughter,

I'm delighted that both you and Harry believe me; I didn't think he would. I'm also delighted that you two have become close friends. It is what both your mothers would have wanted. Hermione seems like a great person and a lovely friend. Ron, however, does seem like a bully, almost like the other marauders and me at school. I will have to trust your judgement and hope he grows out of his immaturity much faster than I did.

How on Earth did a troll get into the castle? I'm glad everything's all okay; how did you stop it? Did any of you end up hurt or injured? Next time just let the Professors deal with the deadly creatures, please.

I'm very proud that you and Harry made the House Quidditch Team. McGonagall has never let a first-year on the team before; you two must be incredible. I'm sure you'll be an excellent Chaser just like your mother, she would be so proud of you. Don't worry about being expelled; Hogwarts only sends students home when it is a matter of life and death. Also, I highly doubt Dumbledore would ever let his granddaughter be sent away; you'll be fine.

Black's Lost Daughter//A Harry Potter Love Story (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now