"At least we will be able to watch your match" Ezra muttered. I couldn't look at him. There would probably be an evil smirk on his face. "I'm up first, then Thomas and then you, Iris."

"The anxiety is going to end up killing me, if she doesn't" I took a deep breath. Michael released me and he poked my ribs.

"You will do great"

My eyes met his dark ones. There was a sweet smile on his face. I couldn't help glancing at Byron, there was an ugly scowl all over his face.

"Thank you" I couldn't help smiling at Michael. "I'm glad you believe in me"

"Why wouldn't I?" Michael grinned. I cleared my throat and my eyes flickered over to Byron. He was now glaring at me. "You've got great skills and we are only helping you improve them. I should tell my Guardian to come and meet you-"

"They are still another or year or so from applying to join the Guard" Byron interrupted him. I nodded in agreement. "Charles should only meet her when we know she will get in."

"Of  course" Michael wasn't looking at him. "You know best, Byron." He gave me another smile, and my stomach flipped around in my abdomen.

"So we are done for today" Byron replied in a tight voice. I bit my lip back nervously so I wouldn't smile at Michael. "Get some dinner and rest up- you are meeting with Rupert tomorrow morning"

            "Do you have a date for the Winter Festival" Michael asked me. I was lifting my plates from the ground- I nearly dropped them.

"No I don't" I cleared my throat. The Winter Festival was  in a month and a half. It would be after the Ranking matches. I couldn't help meeting his eyes.

He cleared his throat.

"Oh- are you going?" he sounded so nervous. I was rather surprised that he looked nervous. He wasn't looking at me or smiling.

"It depends if I Rank or not this time" I answered. "I missed the last one because I ended up in the infirmary" I held my plates tightly to my chest.

"Would you go with me?" Michael blurted. His face was turning red. I couldn't help biting my lips back so I wouldn't smile.

Why was he nervous? I should be nervous.

I heard some loud laughter. I turned to Ezra and Thomas. They were on the opposite side of the gym talking with Byron. Byron met my eyes briefly. I had a feeling that he was listening to our conversation.

"Michael" I turned back to him. "I don't want to ruin the night if I don't Rank. How about we decide the night of the Winter Festival" I tried to be as nice as possible. I didn't want to go with him. I would rather go with-

I pushed those thoughts away.

"Fair enough" Michael nodded with a smile. I sighed in relief. He didn't sound upset about it. "You can let me know" he leaned forward. I stopped breathing as his lips brushed my cheek.

I met his brown eyes. They were creased slightly.

"The offer will stand then"

I  nodded stupidly unable to answer. I was grasping the plates so tightly they were digging into my fingers.

"We should head to Dinner" I muttered without thinking. I put my things away and I hurried to the Dining Hall. I couldn't look at Byron but I felt like if he was watching me.

I didn't want to see an annoyed look on his face. I was already annoyed with myself. I should have just told Michael no instead of waiting for  the match.

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