"Why do you keep following me?"

"What?" Francesca got nervous.

"Yeah, why do you keep on following me when I leave my house. Are you stalking me?"

"N-no. You're talking crazy James. Why would I do that?" She got off the desk and tried heading for the door but he stopped her.

"I'm not crazy Francesca. I know what your car looks like. I'm not an idiot."

"Dammit James! Why did you have to leave me?! I know that there's someone else! I know it! I'm trying to find out who ruined our happiness. Don't you see it?! We belong together?! Why did you leave me?! Why?!" She snapped and tried to kiss him but he pulled away and sighed.

"Look Francesca, I'm really sorry about how I went about it but I'm not right for you. There's no one else and you need to understand that and you need to stop following me. I wanna be friends with you but you need to stop with all this. I really am sorry. I never meant to hurt you. That was never my intention." James said softly.

Francesca wiped her tears away and looked him in the eye. Maybe there isn't someone else. Is he telling the truth? Well, that makes it easier to make him fall in love with me. Francesca thought.

"Fine. I wanna remain friends with you too. I'm sorry for following you. I won't do it again. Forgive me?" She faked her sincerity.

"Of course" James said and gave her a quick hug.

Francesca smiled and went out the door. I'll make him fall in love with me sooner or later. I can be a very seducing woman. She grinned and laughed.

James went to the door and locked it. He ran to the coat closet and opened it up. "That was a close one eh?" He walked in and closed the door.

"I feel bad for her James. We shouldn't have done what we did. Play them like that." Ali said wrapping her arms around his neck. "She better stop following you though or else I'll have to step in." She continued knowing very well that she couldn't really do anything.

"I know but everything is okay now. Tommy left somewhere and I set Francesca straight. It's ok." He assured her. "Now, can we continue from where we left off?" He winked at her and she giggled. He leaned in and kissed her softly then went down to her neck. Licking every inch of it and Ali let out a small moan. That tongue of his worked wonders to her body and immediately turned her on. She roamed all over his body with her hands and lifted his shirt up to feel his amazing body and pecs. They got interrupted by Ali's phone going off. "Ignore it." James mumbled against her mouth.

"No, wait...wait" She said and pulled away. James groaned but continued kissing her neck while she took her phone out. It was a text. "It's my sister. I promised I would take her to the mall. I-I have to go." She moaned.

"Oh c'mon baby" He winked.

"Sorry. We can finish this later. We have to go get our dresses for the dance on Friday with Kate." She kissed him passionately then walked out of the coat closet. "Love you." She whispered before leaving the classroom cautiously.

"Love...you too." He said but noticed she had already left. He laughed and sat down on his chair. She was driving him crazy but he loved it. Everyday it seemed like he loved her more and more. They grew closer and had a strong connection. He knew, she wasn't going anywhere, anytime soon. She was his girl and nobody elses.

"Hey Mr. Hetfield." Mrs. Hammet entered the room.

"Oh hello Mrs. Hammet. What can I do for you?"

"Well...the dance committee is desperate for more chaperones for Friday's dance. You know, it's an all school dance. Are you willing to volunteer?" She asked wincing her eyes.

"Of course. I'll do it." He said in a heartbeat. He would be able to see Ali and keep an eye on her. Making sure no guys got any cute ideas.

"Great. We are putting you guys in pairs so I think I'll put you with Ms. Tomasi if that's ok?" Mrs. Hammet asked looking down at her clipboard.

"Umm.." James thought about it and didn't really like the idea at first but he figured it wouldn't be a problem. They were friends now so why not? "Okay, sure." He finally answered.

"Great! Thanks for volunteering. It'll be a great night." She said walking out.

"It'll be interesting" he said to himself.


"Oh my gosh! You're dress is gorgeous Ali!" Kate said looking at her as she walked out from trying it on. She looked absolutely stunning. She walked up to her and whispered in her ear. "The guys are gonna be all over you. What if he flips out?" Kate asked.

"First of all, he trusts me now Kate. And second, he isn't going to be there. If guys look at me so what? It's not like I'll do anything but what girl doesn't like guys looking at her? We all need attention at some point." Ali shrugged her shoulders. "Nothing is gonna happen."

"If you say so." Kate said walking over to her dressing room. She was concerned because Ali had told her about James' jealous rage and she wanted Friday night to go by smoothly.

Kate, Veronica, and Ali paid for their dresses after trying them on and then left. Ali dropped Kate off at her house then went to her own house with Veronica.

They walked in and showed their dresses to their parents and Jonathan.

"Don't you think that's a little too revealing?" Their father, John said pointing at Ali's dress. He still wasn't over what happened but was coming around.

"Nonsense John. The dress is perfect. And so is Roni's." Their mom said smiling. "You girls are gonna have a great time."

"Do you have dates? 'Cuz if you do, you guys know the rule." Jonathan said flipping through channels of the TV.

"No bro. We are going with our friends Kate and Layla." Veronica responded and Ali just nodded. "Hey Jonathan, aren't you going?"

"Nah, I'm good. I'm not into that shit."

"Jonathan!" John said in a low voice and gave him a glare.

"Ehh...sorry." Jonathan apologized.

"Very well then. Still be careful though. Guys are pigs and I want them nowhere near my two girls." He said sternly.

"Yes dad." Veronica laughed and kissed his cheek three times.

Both sisters ran upstairs to their own rooms and admired their dresses. Ali was looking at her with a big smile on her face. She was really excited about the dance and nothing would mess it up with her. She heard her phone vibrate and took out of her purse. It was a text from James.

James: Hey babe, guess what?

Ali: What happened?

James: I'm going to chaperone the dance on Friday. How great is that? I get to see you that night.

Ali: Oh. that's great James.

James: Aren't u happy i'll be there?

Ali: Of course baby. Look, I'll see u tomorrow. I have some homework to do.

James: Alright, bye. I Love You.

Ali: Love u too. Bye

James thought that Ali would be more excited about him being at the dance. It kinda confused him a bit.

Ali sighed and sat down on her bed. It's not that she didn't want him there, it's just that she wanted to have fun with her friends and sister without complications and distractions. Again, not that James was any of those things. She just wanted to have a great time. She shook her head. I should be happy he's gonna be there. I get to see him. I just hope everything goes smoothly and jealous James won't come out.

✓ | Mr. Hetfield, My Teacher. [Metallica: James Hetfield]Where stories live. Discover now