He rolled his eyes, but smiled. He took my hand without a word, and let me pull him into our little pile. 

     "I love you guys, too." After that, I closed my eyes as warm tears streaked down my face. I'll never understand how you feel even sadder when people try to comfort you. It's like when someone hugs you, they end up squeezing out all the tears.

     I miss Shoto.


At lunch, the next day. (Y/N)'s POV

     I just knew that Taega wanted to tell the whole school about how she got her beautiful black eye, exaggerating and warping the story to make me look bad in the worst possible way. But, since it happened in the agency, she was sworn to secrecy, as I was. I told everyone I got the bruises from falling down the stairs at my house.

     "I'm going to see Shoto and his friends now," Taega said as soon as the lunch bell rang. She snatched up her books and brushed by me.

     I watched her leave, wishing I could just stab two holes in her back and pull her lungs right out of them, while she was alive. Call me savage, but I swear there was nothing that would make that girl behave like a decent human being.

     My jealousy was taking hold of me. Taega, the ex-girlfriend, was going to see Shoto. My Shoto. My boyfriend. And, as a matter of fact, I was already jealous of any normal person that was with him when I wasn't with him. My wretched insecure self kept scaring me into thinking they were going to start dating again, seeing that they had something in common now. They both hated me.

     No, you idiot! the more sensible part of my brain yapped. He said he loved you right before you broke up, didn't he? You know he doesn't lie.

     I sighed as I slung my backpack over my shoulder. Why was trust so hard?

     Outside, I started walking towards Mikura until I realized Keitaro was already pulling her away towards his other friends. She looked so happy with him, she was jumping yards off the ground beside him. That quirk of hers only turned up when she was extremely bubbly, and I didn't want to dim her sunshine with my impressive cumulonimbus. 

     Instead I went to see if maybe Uraraka or Midoriya would hang out with me. No matter the situation, I knew I could always count on them. I just had to get to U.A. a block over and not walk into that schoolyard like an awkward depressed penguin.

     I took a few steps in the direction, then stopped. I didn't want to see Shoto. I didn't want to see Shoto with Taega. Looking down at my sack lunch, I felt my stomach already rejecting it. Maybe, it was best if I just kept to myself this hour.

     I went back into the school, where I ditched my lunch and backpack in my locker, and exchanged it for my violin. No one was ever in the music room at this time; might as well just practice.


That night, at the agency. (Y/N)'s POV

     "You know, maybe it's for the best," Nachika soothed as she stood next to me sitting at the desk. Homework helped distract me, like my violin did. However, this breakup was almost just as painful as when Shoto had been dating Taega. I couldn't help but spend every moment thinking about it.

     I let my pencil fall to the surface of the desk, suddenly feeling too heavy for my hand. "What do you mean?"

     "Well, because if our officials find out about Shoto," she said, "he'd be in trouble. He'd be on their radar because of his close connection to you. And remember? No dating outside of the agency."

     I guess we'd all forgotten about that one. I had been so tossed around with the excitement of meeting him, the agony of his dating Taega, the joy of the time we dated, and now the pain of our breakup to even recall that rule. Inside though, I scoffed. Taega seems to just throw that policy to the wind.

     Slowly, I nodded my agreement. Maybe it would be better to think that I was protecting Shoto. But what didn't console me was the way we had left things. Shoto was angry, and hurt over what had happened. Because of that, it only made my own hurt worsen.

     Suddenly, the door flew open and Taega marched in, ire in her stride. She was holding a piece of paper in her hand, as she headed straight for her bed and flung herself face-down on it.  Then she screamed with all her heart and might, letting the sheets muffle the sound.

     Nachika and I exchanged half-confused, half-alarmed looks. 

     "Clearly something's up, Taega," Nachika spoke, a little annoyed. "What's the paper?"

     Taega groaned before sitting up straight on the bed. The clutched the sheet of paper tightly as she looked over it, as if she'd been hoping the words on it would change. Then she crumpled it into a tight ball and hurled it at Nachika. Her aim was awful, as it missed Nachika completely and ended up bouncing off my forehead. "See for yourself!"

     Despite her words, she vented everything anyway. "You know that conference that's happening next month, in Osaka? Well they chose me to fly there and represent our team! I hate these things! The rooms are always so uncomfortable, you have to talk to a whole slew of people you don't even know, the food sucks, and I'll be missing a whole week of school! Kill me now!!!"

     Nachika picked up the piece of paper but didn't even bother to open it. Instead, she threw it right back at Taega, so that it hit her in the side of the face. "Well, deal with it."

     I got up from the desk, at a sudden realization. Shoto said he'd come here and help me find a way to get out of here. I was going to take him to the master computer. I couldn't believe I actually forgot . . .

     "I'm going downstairs to get some water," I said quietly. I left without another sound.


Hello my beautiful readers! So you're not flying to Osaka. Do you think Shoto will still help you find a way to escape?

Thanks so much for all your support, this story has been #1 in shoto for like a month :D

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