A growl erupted from the boy, as he crouched, but he'd lost the second he picked the fight. The past months of intensive training from Riley and Victoria and get her ready for this, but also with the added benefit of her precognition, she was unbeatable. That was until her power decided it didn't was to show her what she wanted to see, luckily this wasn't one of those moments.

Leaping off the ground he went for her neck, but she curved around and had him in a headlock. Arms pinned he struggled to get and hold and the cracking of the marbled flesh of his neck had him frantic. She let go and stepped back, surprising everyone.

"I'm sorry to start off on the wrong foot, but it had to be done. I don't appreciate treated with such animosity, but anything you attempt to do to me will be done to you and yours tenfold. When I'm around I expect nothing but the best behaviour, the moment I'm out the door you can go back to being the cretins you are," pausing to gauge everyone's reaction she finalised, "Is that understood?"

A murmur of agreements went around, but ferocious eyes still glared at her with distrust. But she didn't need their trust, just with cooperation.

A voice spoke out from beside Raoul pointing at his friend, "how'd you know his name?"

"Kevin is it?" to which she got a stuttered out yes.

"Well, either Riley told me everything I need to know or maybe I'm a little prophetic."

"Pathetic, did you say? Yeah, that sounds about right."

At the corner of the room sat up on the back couch with the CD-player in his hands-on pause, a guy who looked to be just older than Cynthia, "Dumbass, she said 'prophetic'. It means that she can predict what'll happen in the future."

"Nah man, that's impossible."

"It's okay, Diego." Another name, this time they don't look as shocked.

Focusing back to everyone, "All you need to know is that I know everything about you."

"Prove it."

"How many people do you want to know about?"

His eyes married in thought, "four."

"Very well. One of you were born in El Paso and lived with his mother and five siblings. One of you ended off here because of revenge against the person who killed your brother. Two someone thinks that Spider-Man is the best superhero and that's just a fact. Lastly, someone here wants a holiday, I recommend Bali, you know, tonnes of sun."

Those of who didn't get a prophecy thought she was bluffing, but the sudden stiffness from certain members caused a stirring in response.

"I said four."

"And I don't care. So everyone, get back to what you were doing before."

Satisfied with the proof of prophecy, but overall unhappy with the new arrival, Raoul staked off with his gang in tow.

Turning her attention to her saviour. "Thanks for that rescue."

"It wasn't much of one, but no problem."

"Looks like I owe you one."

"If I ever need saving let's hope you're there." The pit in her gut told her that that was a possibility, but nothing more.

Taking her hand out of the grey hoodie too big for her that didn't do anything to alter her temperature, Delphi readied herself.

"I'm Diego, as you already seem to know." Greeted with a cold and firm handshake, Delphi saw more than a pretty boy with a mess of dark curls and the scars that littered his arms.

Prophetic  ▹ Riley Biers (Daughters of Lilith I)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя