me getting shocked by hamegg

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Hamegg was showing us different
Robots that are going to be in the robot games like always me and astro
Were holding hands as we walk me:
We been here before Astro: come on lets go back to hamegg place sludge: good idea yeah this is a waste of time
Being in the same place Zane: yes it
Is everyone started to walk away hamegg pulled out a device that shocked astro earlier hamegg use a the electric device on me *me yelling in pain I hit the floor Astro: Catherine!!!!!!!!!!!! What would you do that to my girlfriend hamegg: I wanted to use it to see if it still works
Astro: what's wrong with you Catherine hasn't done anything to you
[Me groaning] Cora: what are you going to her Hamegg: let's see she can
Handle the robot games Astro: I won't let you do that its too dangerous to do
That I'm not putting my girlfriend in the robot games I'm not risk it Zane:
I agree with Astro please don't do this
Catherine is not ready to be in the robot games [me groans sofly] I was still on the floor sludge: Hamegg Catherine is our friend why would you do that to Astro girlfriend Hamegg: cuz I wanted to see how the
Electric device still works Astro: you had no right to do that 

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