Nine: A Bodyguard Christmas.

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Note: So here's my Christmas 2018 gift to you all - a bonus Christmas scene from You're My Bodyguard, Not My Owner. I hope you enjoy reading it.       

Merry Christmas, my loves. All of my love and kisses.

-Lex <3

Brendon grimaced as you tapped the screen of your phone and selected your holiday playlist, smiling contently as you set the device down and allowed the music to fill the air

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Brendon grimaced as you tapped the screen of your phone and selected your holiday playlist, smiling contently as you set the device down and allowed the music to fill the air.

A generic Christmas tune was blasting through the speakers, and his annoyance grew when you started to sing along. Not at all pleased with the current going-ons, he hurriedly reached for your phone and shut it off.

The tiniest breath of relief slipped past his lips, and he shut his eyes blissfully.

"Hey," you protested, stopping your work of searching through the rows of storage boxes and turning to glare at him, "I was listening to that."

"Yeah, I know," he scoffed, arching his brows and pocketing your phone, "That was the problem."

With an eye-roll, you folded your arms and shook your head in disbelief. "Come on. You can't seriously tell me that you hate Christmas, too."

"It's all commercialism," he countered with a bored expression, "And I don't see the point of buying into it."

With a slight wheeze, you shook your head again before returning to your search.

"Why am I not surprised?" you murmured, reaching for one particular shelf.

Brendon looked on in disgust as you heaved a nearly overflowing box of Christmas decorations onto the ground next to your feet.

"I honestly can't believe that Fury is letting you do this," he said with a sour face, watching you struggle to move the box but making no effort to help you with it.

"He knows how much I love Christmas," you responded, voice straining a bit as you exerted your energy on trying to push the box forward, "And hanging up the decorations and then having a movie marathon has always been a Christmas tradition."

The box was sliding forward inch by inch, and your bodyguard stepped to the side to allow it room to move without the extra obstruction of his body.

"I am definitely not watching any fucking Christmas movies."

"Oh, piss off, Grinch," you sassed, tossing him a sharp look as you shoved the box past him – with a little bit more force than was necessary.

With a little bit more perseverance, you managed to get the box to the elevator and up to your room. Brendon sighed in relief once you two did.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, he dashed out and swaggered over to the break lounge, leaving you alone in the elevator with the box of decorations. You huffed as you shifted it past the metal doors, knitting your brow as you stared after Brendon.

"Aren't you going to help me move the box out?" you called after him.

He turned to face you, clear irritation on his face. "You're the one who's insisting on this bullshit; you can carry the box yourself. Don't make it my problem," he sneered, turning back around.

Before he entered the room and slunk into a corner of his own, he put the doorstopper in.

"Will you at least help me with hanging the lights? I'm not tall enough," you yelled, but only got ignored.

Sighing loudly, you slumped your shoulders tiredly before mumbling to yourself.

"At least he left the door open."

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