"Oh my God! Are you sober?" Kyle asks me.

"Well actually-" I start.

"It doesn't matter Kyle, I thought you said you were Riley?" He asks

"I am, Caitlin can't remember Riley, I try to correct her but it doesn't matter. She still calls me Miley." I say smiling.

"Okay, I was hoping I wasn't too drunk to forget a girl like you." He says smirking

My god. Is he flirting with me? How do I flirt back? What do I say?

Just smile. Be cool

"Awww thanks" I can feel my face getting red and warm.

I'm a freak.

"Okay Miley, stop flirting with Zayn. Zayn stop flirting with Miles." Caitlin says.

"Miles?" Zayn asks smiling.

"Yea, it's short for Miley." She's says smiling.

"Her name is Riley, Caitlin." Zayn tries to explain.


"I like her name" Zayn says.

Oh no. The flirting again.

"Thanks" I'm never going to get a boyfriend.

Listen to yourself Riley. You don't care about boys. Love isn't real. What has gotten into you?

I look at the time and it's midnight.

Oh God.

I was suppose to be home twenty minutes ago. Mom is going to find out, then she is going to kill me.

"Hey guys I got to go, I need to uh-" I start.

"Nooo don't go." Zayn grabs my hand and looks into my eyes. I notice that up the stairs that Harry is staring at me. Glaring.

I think he's jealous.

I can't leave now.

Wait. Why do I care if Harry is jealous? We're just friends, I think?

Mom is going to kill me, I have to go.

"I really do have to go, I would love to stay but my mom-" I start

He kisses my cheek. "At least let me bring you home" Zayn is so sweet.

"Thank you, I would love that." He grabs my hand, I look down at our hand holding. I look up and notice Harry pushing the crowd of people out of his way.

I think he's coming for me.

"Okay I really got to go, let's go" I pull Zayn for the door almost running.

"Not so fast! What's the hurry?" Zayn asks me.

When I look back at Zayn I can see Harry coming towards me.

"My mom needs me, our pet.... Cat is dying, I'll explain in the car, let's go." I hurry him.

He doesn't say anything and we just push through the crowd. I was scared Harry was going to hurt Zayn.

Or me.

"Is that Styles?" Zayn stops and turns around.

"Hey Styles! What's the hurry!" Zayn chuckles.

"Don't you play innocent. What are you doing with Riley?" Harry glares. He sounds pissed.

"What? Oh, I'm giving her a ride home, her mom-" Zayn starts but Harry cuts him off.

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