Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

*Connor PoV*

Everything I just heard was making my head and heart hurt. The fact that Troye has a crush on me is overwhelming, especially since I have a crush on him too.

Except for the fact that I'm not sure I'm bisexual and I'm really scared about what people will think of me. It's not even that, I'm scared of what my friends will think of me.

I know they'll be accepting and shit but that doesn't mean I can't be nervous about it. What if I'm not actually bisexual and I'm making these feelings up? Maybe I'm straight and I just want to love someone?

My brain can't handle my mind sometimes.

My mind can't handle my heart.

Myself can't handle myself.

"...I think Connor is waking up," I heard Troye say, probably to Alfie. I heard a shuffling and then heard the click of a camera turning on.

My eyes fluttered open and I looked around, trying to make my eyes focus. Until I realized one of my eyes wouldn't focus, as it was bruised pretty badly. I groaned slightly and dug my face into the pillow.

I heard Alfie say my name, presumably vlogging me. I opened my eyes and pulled my hand out to make a peace sign to the camera. I tucked my hand back in and watched as Troye told a story about getting run over by his dad.

I smiled giddily at his cuteness, the way he ran a hand through his hair, the way he got all silly for a second and I had to calm him down (sarcastically). He was adorable, and I couldn't help but stare at him, even if he was a little blurry.

Alfie put up his vlog camera and turned to us. "I could practically hear all the girls fainting at your sleepiness, Connor. There'll be gifs all over Tumblr."

I chuckled lightly. "I hope so. Everyone needs to be a little more frantastic." I winked, well, as well as I could wink.

Troye and Alfie burst into silent giggles. Troye was trying to keep in the giggles for the sake of Tyler sleeping and Joe jamming. I smiled sleepily, the haze of sleep coming back into my eyes and threatening to take over.

The voices and laughs around me started to fade out. My mind started to slip into peaceful serenity. The pillow seemed more comfortable, the distance between me and Troye even farther.

I felt my hand wrap around my pillow and squeeze it tighter. I snuggled into it more as my mind went to mush.

"Con! Connor! Franta! Bitch!" I was roughly pushed forward, from whom I assume was Tyler, as no one really called me bitch except for him.

My arm and head collided with a mess of hair and a soft cheek. I opened my eyes to find Troye's eyes right above mine, looking a little fearful. The distance between us was little more than nothing. My eyes flicked to his lips, the cherry red, slightly cracked wonderland. I stared back up at his eyes before realizing what this looked like.

I immediately pulled away and sat up, cursing Tyler for putting me in that awkward situation. I groaned externally and rubbed my eyes, groaning again, but this time because of pain.

I hissed and lightly touched my eye, making sure it wasn't harmed even more. Throbbing ensued in my eye, replacing the needles that went through it.

Troye grabbed the edges of my face and pulled it close to his. He looked straight into my eye, lightly touching it with his finger, prodding slightly. I hissed when his finger touched, in pain and in tension. He swiped his finger across the bottom of my eye, wiping away the water that had come to surface.

He let go of my face, sitting back and leaning against the sofa. "It looks worse, to be honest. It used to look like you were maybe hit a little too hard when wrestling, but now it looks like you got ran over by a lawn mower." He deducted, carefully avoiding the sexual tension between us.

I smiled a little. "So I look frantastic?" I asked sarcastically.

"Frantastic as fuck, now stop having mind sex and get over here, you motherfuckers." Tyler's annoyed words came from the entrance of the hotel. I rolled my eyes as I fought to keep the tomato red blush off my cheeks. Troye got up like it was perfectly normal, except for the fact that he was a little more red than when I woke up.

I began to gather my suitcase and other things for the trip. Apparently Louis and Caspar were back with the cars. They had rented two of them, so that all of us would fit.

Alfie separated us into two different groups. I was placed in a car with Troye, Alfie, and Louis.

While walking to the car, Louis called driving, and Alfie called shotgun. Which of course left me and Troye to sit together in the backseat. And looking at the state of the backseat, we would be sitting pretty damn close to each other.



I'm so sorry I don't update a lot. I'm a ninth grader, in all honors and one AP class. Which means I have tons and tons of homework. I also play volleyball, so I NEVER have time to write this story. But I do think this chapter is fairly decent, I hope you like it.

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