Chapter 1-The move

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"I drove by all the places where we used to hang out getting wasted.." My alarm clock played.

I sat up and looked at my black, boring alarm clock, while rubbing my eyes, it's 7:30am.

"Honey, it's about time you get dressed!" Laughed mum walking through the door.

No, it's about time I went back to bed.

"Mummmmmm" I groaned.

"C'mon. Get up, you have to get ready for school!"


"YES!" I jumped out of bed.

"Whoops, all to fast" I started to feel dissy, so I collapsed back on my bed.

"BETHANY JANE DENCH!" Mum started to get frustrated, so I got up.

"Good, good. Now hurry the hell up!" Mum slammed the door closed behind her.

Well, that's rude. I got up out of bed, and walked to my dressing table. I looked in my mirror with a white rim, and admired my bed hair. I couldn't stand it, it looked hideous! I saw that mum had put my uniform on my dressing table, so I picked it up and put it on, along sides with my undies. It was a pretty short dress, with black stockings. It looked alright I guess. But it's not as good as my old uniform. My old uniform was light blue and white. It looked heaps cool! And we could wear black shorts and pants, what not. I walked back over to my dressing table, and did my hair and makeup. I don't wear heaps of makeup, only a little bit. And it doesn't look cake face, its just a natural colour, but in a different shade. I straightened my hair, and put it in a ponytail.

"Hurry up Bethany! Your gonna be late!" Yelled mum.

I grabbed my bag and put my laptop, and other things in there. Like the stuff you really need, like bobby pins, pens, pencils, lip gloss, yeah..

"BETHANY!" Yelled mum, oh no, she's angry...

I grabbed my phone and bag, and sprinted down stairs. I grabbed an apple, and some snacks in my bag.

"C'mon!" Said mum from the kitchen.

She grabbed her purple key, and walked out the front door, I followed behind.


We arrived at Campbelltown Performing Arts High School. Wow, I didn't think I would ever say that. This is like a dream!

Mum kissed me on the cheek and said good bye. I grabbed my bags and headed for the gates, that head Campbelltown Performing Arts High School. YAY!

I walked past groups of people. No different to any other high school. The nerdy group of boys, nerdy group of girls, popular group of girls, popular group of boys, so on... I headed to the administration office, because I had no idea what I was doing, and where I was going! As I walked through the office door, I felt a nice cold gush of fresh air blow past me, as it's summer, it's really hot outside! Obviously...

"Hello darling, how can I help you?" Said the lady siting on her chair by her desk.

"Hello, I'm Bethany, the new year 9."

"Oh! Hello darling! I'm Cath, nice to meet you!" Said Cath, well she's really nice..

"You to!" I laughed.

"The principal Mrs. Moore actually wanted to see you..." Smiled Cath getting up. Cath was very slim with long brown hair with hazel eyes. She's really pretty.

"Follow me!" Smiled Cath. We walked down long hallways, until we got to a door with Butterfly stickers on it. Cath knocked on the door, and Mrs Moore answered.

"Hello Bethany! Come in!" Smiled Mrs Moore shutting the door in Caths face, it was really funny If you ask me.

I walked in the room, and saw something I never, ever expected. Wow....

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